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What is the "schwa" sound?

Vida Winter

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A good number of families in our support group have kids who compete in the Scripps spelling bee program. The schwa sound is what usually ends our kids' spelling seasons. Although my own kids are no longer competing, they both have friends who still do and the kids are most worried about unfamiliar words with schwa sounds.

Schwa is not a happy word.g

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A schwa is a vowel that is being lazy. It sounds like someone who has been hit in the stomach "uh"; of course, that is why the "e" rolled over for the symbol! Yep, just a vowel that is being lazy in an unaccented syllable. You can usually pronounce the vowel more formally with it's short sound if you really try. Schwa didn't used to exist you know...

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It really is the same sound, just can be made by different vowels depending on the word (sort of). Now I need to search for a list of words with the schwa so I can get a little more familiar with it. At least I will be able to say it correctly if I see the upside down e in a phonetic word. I can see how it could get *very* confusing if you were drilling for a spelling bee.


Thanks for the info, everyone!

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