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What is the flow of a Saxon 5/4 lesson?


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I don't use all the script in the lower Saxon manuals and I pick and choose the manipulative work that needs to be done. So, our Grade 3 days are not as long as the complete scripted Grade 3 days.


Having said that, here's how Saxon 5/4 looks in our house. First, I start with the mental math. This is a short section which takes 3 - 5 minutes max in our house. In fact, I'm looking for mental speed and challenge my kids to try to calculate as quickly as they can mentally. The questions are not complex.


After that, I teach the lesson. Again, I don't always follow the book's teaching completely. And sometimes, I combine more than one lesson a day. My teaching usually takes 10 - 15 minutes.


Next, I work through all or part of the practice problems. Sometimes, we do these together orally. Today, for instance, my ds learned how to estimate mixed fractions -- 4 2/3 was closer to 5; 6 1/4 was closer to 6 and so on. This was an easy lesson. I could have combined it with the next day's lesson, but we just worked through the practice questions orally.


Finally, I send my dc off to complete halfof the Saxon problems. Until my kids reach Alg. 1, they complete odds or evens (for 5/4, 6/5, 7/6 and Alg. 1/2).


That's it. Very straightforward unless my dc is hung up on some concept. There are also math facts that can be photocopied and completed; these days we are using Calculadders for math fact work.




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5/4 was the first edition of saxon that we used. we are currently wrapping up 6/5.


the lesson is as follows:


drill (a.k.a. timed practice or whatever you want to call it) takes 5 min. or less.


oral practice (5-15 minutes) these are problems that the teacher calls out, designed to be figured out "in the students head"


lesson (could be teacher or student taught)


lesson practice (5-10 minutes) reviews the days lesson


mixed review (25-30 problems)


my son pretty much teaches himself, which is even easier if you get the DIVE cd, i am there to answer questions if he has any but that is rare. he corrects the previous days' lesson daily using the answer key, we meet on friday for a check in w/ teacher.


i think saxon lends itself to independent study, though if it is new to your student you may need a transition period. hth!

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Saxon 5/4 does not have a Teacher's Manual that I'm aware of. There are three books that go with 5/4: 1) Student Text - which has all the material necessary to teach the lesson, 2) Solutions Manual, 3) Worksheets & Tests.


I'd say "yes" you need the Solutions Manual if you want to be sure you get all the answers right. The material is not that difficult, but admittedly I've looked at the answer key a handful of times!


Let me know if you have any more questions.



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This is basically exactly what I do. "Mental Math" takes a few minutes. Teaching the lesson follows which takes about 10-15 minutes depending on the concept. We then work through the examples together (another 10 minutes or less), then dc do the odd or even problems. Their choice.


I *much* prefer 5/4 to the earlier grades of Saxon. It was a pleasure to move to this level for me!

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