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Art curricula for 5 & 6yo??


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What recommendations do ya'll have for this age group? The 6yo is an advanced reader, but at age level with motor skills, the 5yo will be just learning his letters and sounds.


We could...


1) do no formal art this year (I'll have a 1st grade, K, pre-school & toddler to keep up with)


2) use the Draw Write Now book for the 6yo and call that art for the year.


3) Splurge and give Atelier Art a try


4) Consider other art programs...


I'm going to need something that is open and go. I'm not artistically trained myself, and I've been really hopping just keeping up with the things currently on my plate. It can't be a wonderful art program that requires me to come up with lesson plans or requires that I water down the curricula to make it reachable for the kiddos; in that case I'm just certain it wouldn't get done.


On the other hand, I'm sure the boys would really look forward to art day and benefit from it if we can just find the right materials.


Any suggestions??

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Well, there's Art With a Purpose. No history or anything, just "art." Rod and Staff and other suppliers sell it. It's inexpensive and doesn't require anything except for the teacher to read it over ahead of time so she knows what to do. Also, it is recommended that the teacher have her own ArtPac and do each project ahead of time, so she'll have a model and so that she'll know if there are any tricky things. :-)

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With the ages of your kiddos I wouldn't try for anything formal. I would buy some watercolour paints, some acrylic paints, quality pencils like Lyra, quality beeswax crayons, block or stick like Stockmar, some modeling beeswax, clay, various types of paper, cut up foam shapes etc.


I would have an art time and set up 1 thing, collage, water colour painting, drawing, modeling. Just let them have fun experimenting with whatever you set up for a period of time. At this age is it all about experimenting and enjoying. It isn't about the end product or trying to reproduce something from a book.


You can easily get some Usborne Art books from the library if you truly need some inspiration, but I am sure it will only satisfy you, the kids will just enjoy experiencing all of the different materials.

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All your little ones could enjoy watercolor painting, clay, nature crafts and things like that together.

Then maybe get your 6yo a set of nice colored pencils and a sketch pad and introduce form drawing. It'll start as straight and curved lines, in the early years will help with hanwriting. Then gradually become much more complex, and lead into geometry and very pretty art in 3rd and 4th grade.


That way all your littles could do art together, with a little extra for your oldest that wouldn't take a lot out of you-- just a few minutes a day.

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I'd let them mess around to gain experience with various art materials. Also, Evan-Moor's Teaching Art to Children has some really nice projects that are truly art, not craft. They learn about the elements of art, foundational to any program. It can be used over several years. Some projects are better for a classroom, and some for an individual.


There's also my favorite process art books--Don't Move the Muffin Tins, by Bev Bos, and Creative Art for the Developing Child. One is more projects, the second, more theory. Both excellent!!!

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I definitely don't think you need to do a formal art program if you don't want to at this age. The Draw Write Now books are fun. I used Atelier this year (with a 7 and 9 year old) and it was a real hit. There is a lot of variety in the projects and it is very much open and go. You just have to make sure you have the materials on hand ahead of time.



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I've got 2 6yo DSs. We're working on Discovering Great Artists. It's a little art history and art thrown together. Great artists are broken up by style and you get a LITTLE biography and picture of each one. Then there's a small amount of discussion of the artists style at the time and an art project to go with it. There is a little prep time for each project and it does suggest ages for the activities. My kids are not the least artistically inclined, but this is fun art. What they're learning about art history is just a bonus.:)

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I have Artistic Pursuits and like it very much. We have done some Draw Write Now as well. The problem with AP is that it doesn't get done! And it is very much open and go, just a little more expensive than some other things. Anyway, we are going to get through this book, just more slowly. I think the emphasis with this, and other early elem. programs I have seen, is just getting out different materials and letting the kids use them! So I vote for that (your #1 option) or #2 (also inexpensive and doable, in addition to getting out the watercolors and stamps now and then).

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My older 2 children are 7 and 5 years old and we LOVE Artistic Pursuits. It not only allows us to try different types of drawing, painting.... but it also has art appreciation with every lesson. And it couldnt be easier for me! I just read the lesson show the art were studying and get them set up to try their hand at it. I can't say enough good things about it!

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Discovering Great Artists. It's a little art history and art thrown together.


This is what I was going to recommend. I really liked using this resource when my kids were younger. You can pick and choose which projects to do, since they don't build on each other.



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