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SOTW 2 UNrevised version - diff? Also, microscope rec's, plz?

Annabel Lee

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Hello again,

I noticed SOTW 2 unrevised edition & AG on sale for $5 ea. at PHP. It says it's just the maps that are different - but why? Were they wrong? Can I still use the old version and trust it for accuracy? Also, does the content on the page #'s still line up w/ the new version? I've been thinking of using a 'formal' progam like TOG or MFW, etc., and if they rec. SOTW at all, I want it to be the right page #.


While I'm at it, I'm looking for some rec's for a really good microscope. For now, we'll just be using it to look at bugs, fingerprints, hairs, etc. I don't want anything toy-ish, we already have the Eyeclops Bionic Eye for that. I want something that will last through high school and that we could see blood cells, bacteria & viruses under. I have no idea what the different zoom levels mean, if more is better or if different levels are just used for different things. What should I be looking for, and what are some good (longlasting, durable) brands?

Thanks a bunch!

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The maps in the revised version of SOTW have grey shaded areas where the oceans are located, which makes them easier to read. I think the page numbers are the same. There are some other relatively minor differences in the format as well.


I have seen the Brock microscope recommended here many times; I don't know if it will take you through HS or not; it's available from RR.

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Any other microscope rec's? Pretty please? :)

Sonlight sells a good (IMO) microscope. I bought one from them 6 years ago; we've been pleased with it. It should be suitable for use through high school.


Home Training Tools carries a selection of microscopes.

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Any other microscope rec's? Pretty please?


This one deserves a look:




It meets Apologia's high school biology requirements for magnification etc.


ETA: I have used SoTW volume 1 and 2 this year (with Sonlight Core 6). I had the older version for volume 1 and the revised edition for vol. 2. It just so happens neither was the "right" one for this particular IG. It must have come out between the revision of the two books. We haven't had any major problems (and this was with a program that scheduled for you) so I can't imagine you'd have a problem with it either. There were page number issues but nothing too hard to figure out.

Edited by darlasowders
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Your answers just reminded me that the chapters are never very long, so if the page numbers are off, it will only be by a little. *blushing* I should know that, we use SOTW 1.


I had seen SL's microscope in their catalog, I just didn't know where it lies on the spectrum of quality (in my price range, anyhow). I'll look at the other one too. Thanks ladies!

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I want something that will last through high school and that we could see blood cells, bacteria & viruses under. I have no idea what the different zoom levels mean, if more is better or if different levels are just used for different things. What should I be looking for, and what are some good (longlasting, durable) brands?

Thanks a bunch!


I'm going to guess that you are in Canada, from your name. If I'm wrong, then disregard this. I got this microscope recently: http://www.escience.ca/genSci/RENDER/2/1005/1022/12767.html The ad has a misprint - the wide angle eyepiece is actually 15X. Then the magnifications with the objective lenses make sense - 15X4=60X, 15X10=150X, and 15X40=600X. A friend of mine who is a lab technician told me that 600X was plenty for up through high school. I am amazed at what we can see at just 150X!!! Hair details, blood cells, bug leg details, things swimming around in water, etc. The slide making kit and book they include in this package are really good, too!


It's a fun website to poke around on, too. They even have separate slide packages you can buy - prepared slides of all sorts of stuff!


EDIT: Also, I looked at the Brock Magiscope and a few others I've seen recommended here - this package (if you're in Canada) was the least expensive, including shipping (if I'd had to ship something from the States to Canada). And this scope is very sturdy - it's all metal, has a heavy base. We can carry it places, too, because you don't HAVE to use the electric light - the mirror will shine light into it so you can observe.

Edited by Colleen in NS
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