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can anyone compare Potter school vs veritas press

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I am considering a comp 1A class at Veriatas for my 9th grade dd or a Narnia class or some other writing for her from Potter school. The prices are comparable- but has anyone used them and can comment on which one might be better?




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We used Potter's School this past year and loved it so much, we have enrolled in three classes for the fall. I can't speak to VP or compare. We did do Latin through Memoria Press for two years, and (for the most part) liked them, too.


Did you have specific questions?

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we are reconsidering English 2. My dd wanted the Narnia class badly but was rejected on the exam without explanation other than her writing was immature. I was bit put out about it and ended up getting my money refunded. Now I am wondering if we should have stayed at her recommendation for English 2.


I do not know why we seemed threatening to them to ask for an explanation, but after receiving the rejection letter we resubbed and aksed for a second look. It was a Saturday and I was surprised she had reviewed the exam at all. Then that evening we got two e-mails saying we were pulled and removed from her class. It was strange- like she was afraid we would harass her or something.


I thought that certainly the following Monday I might hear from them more personally, but nothing came so I requested the money refunded. Two days went by and no response came from my request. I faxed over a letter and did receive a refund promptly.


I have heard great things about them, but also that perhaps they are a little I am not sure how to put it, maybe heady? The English 2 class actually sounds good but am unsure of how the teaching style is-- is it very cold, will she be treated well etc??.



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We have used Potter's School for both upper level and the middle school English classes. We didn't discover TPS until my dd was in 10th - she was a very strong writer but was admitted "conditionally" into the Intro to Lit class based on her placement test. She went on to do fine and has had a great experience with all the classes/teachers.


Potter's School has sort of a "system" they teach with writing. There are certain things they look for - usually listed with the placement test. Such things as "be" verbs, etc. are marked down. It seems rather strict at first, but it teaches them to really think about the words they use. It took my dd a bit to get used to it, but she learned quickly and her writing really improved. My ds is taking the junior high classes and, though he is not naturally as strong a writer, since he is learning their process gradually, it will not be such a change for him.


As far as the teachers, we have not found them to be "cold" at all - most have been very encouraging and caring. I think they get frustrated if kids don't do their work or don't follow the requirements, etc., but that would be what you'd expect. They want the kids to succeed, which is why they want you to be placed correctly. They certainly wouldn't make your dd feel unwelcome.


For what it's worth, I've heard the Narnia course is very challenging - more so than the standard English sequence.


I don't know about VP courses - I'm sure they are very good too. I know the upper level English teachers always emphasize that kids need to have a good solid comp class in high school before specializing, so you probably couldn't go wrong either way. English 2 will include lit and grammar, too, so if you just wanted to focus on writing, maybe the comp class would be a better fit.


Hope this helps,



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