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Is your kitchen always open?

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I remember growing up, my mom would say "the kitchen is closed" a couple of times during the day. I used to think that was so mean, but I am starting to understand why she did that. My kids want to eat all.day.long!! It is making me nuts. I am preparing a snack/meal or cleaning the kitchen all the time, it seems. I am just trying to stay sane here, not put the kitchen on lock down. I don't really want to fight with them about food either, but I know something's got to give. :tongue_smilie:


How do you all handle this?

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My kids seem to be always hungry, too. Other than meals and a mid afternoon and before bed snack, I usually have some food items that they can just go and get if they're hungry (sometimes yogurt, carrots, fruit that's already been sliced, etc., but things I don't have to fix for them). If they're not hungry enough for those items, then I figure they're not really that hungry and can wait until the next meal.

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I only make meals - the snacks are up to them. In your place, I'd make snacks for the littly, but the others could forage for themselves. The boys and I clean up after meals - apart from that, I don't worry too much what the kitchen looks like.



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We have breakfast, lunch, snack (about 3) and then dinner and usually ice cream a little later. If they are hungry between meals, they can always have fruit or veggies. They usually go for fruit. I figure if they are hungry, they can have something good for them! But no food after 4 pm, unless we aren't eating dinner at home.

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I make 3 meals a day, and that's all I do. The kitchen is never closed so to speak, but they are on their own for snacks. Mine are older, though. They're free to get veggies, fruit, crackers, popcorn, etc. I just don't help or clean up afterwards.



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If I left them to graze it would be like locusts attacked. They make their own breakfast. Fruit for snack. One usually wants to make lunch. Popcorn or crackers with something for afternoon snack and then dinner. Someone is assigned to clean up everyday. They know to come ask permission, say, if I happened to have tortillas. If it's not going to be used on my meal plan, then they can have it.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

I make and serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. We have a small snack with our poetry tea in the afternoon but no snacks after 4 pm because we eat at 6.


They are allowed fruit whenever they please (yes, even 10 minutes before dinner) and they are all able to get it and wash it on their own. They do go through a lot of fruit. :001_smile:

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Breakfast - 9 am


Snack - 11:15 ish (whenever there is a good break in the school schedule around that time).


Lunch: 12:30


Snack: 3pm


Dinner: 5:30


Evening snack (sometimes): 8pm


Otherwise the kitchen is closed unless you are getting water or you are my dh (who is diabetic and sometimes has to rush to get something because his bloodsugar is going too low).

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My kids get their own breakfast (cereal or toast) from the age of about 5 and on. They usually are told to help their 2yo brother get breakfast too. If I want to make breakfast, I let them know before hand.


I make lunch, dinner, and dessert. Sometimes, I'll have my 9 year old bake something for dessert.


They get snacks on their own but they ask permission first. My 2yo tends to get what he wants and brings it to me to open/pour for him. He's still being trained.

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Yes, my kitchen is always open. I make dinner, period and sometimes not even that. My children are older but they are responsible for their own breakfasts and lunches. They usually eat one or the other but not both. Then they are free to snack during the day. They are required to clean up after themselves. I have kitchen rules posted on the fridge. I have several budding cooks in the family and my hubby cooks also so I don't do all the dinner meals either. I do do all the dishes and wipe down counters, stove and appliances several times a day but otherwise, I try to avoid the kitchen entirely. I will also admit that my grocery bill is ridiculous due to all the cooks and the fact that most of the family is vegetarian. They eat mostly fresh fruits, veggies and lots of dairy products.

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When our dc were those ages, my kitchen wasn't always open. I got to the point of trying to assess why they wanted to eat all day. Are they hungry? Thirsty? (One of my dc gets most of his h20 from fruits:glare:) Are they eating out of habit or boredom? Did they just like being in the kitchen if I was there?


If I didn't think they were *hungry* I would offer something not quite so delicious, like tuna. Really hungry dc would eat tuna. Otherwise, they went on their way and came back when they were truly hungry.


Now that my dc are older (12, 13, and 7) the kitchen is always open for fruit and veggies. And these 3 go through a LOT of those, but I'm pretty sure they're hungry when they eat now.

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Yes, my kitchen is open. I have a dd who has sensory issues and what I'm thinking is some low blood sugar issues. They usually do ask before they have junk food, they are not always allowed to have that. But cheese, granola bars, fruit & veggies, cereal, etc. they can have whenever they want.

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We eat regular meals together and Padawan Learner can get a healthy snack if he's hungry during the day, but carrots, apples and such don't get him too excited unless he is really, truly hungry. Chips, candy and such, however, would have him hungry 24/7 - which is one of the reasons we just don't keep too much of that stuff around! It is around, but down in the den or other such inconvenient places.

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If I didn't limit snacking, my kids wouldn't eat their meals. So while I've never used the phrase "The kitchen is closed" I do tell them no to snacks and drinks (other than water) at various times during the day. I prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for everyone and there is always something available for afternoon snack.

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I only make meals - the snacks are up to them. In your place, I'd make snacks for the littly, but the others could forage for themselves. The boys and I clean up after meals - apart from that, I don't worry too much what the kitchen looks like.




The living room, dining room and kitchen are all one big circle that makes up the center hub of our home. Bedrooms radiate out from that. So we are almost always in that central area. The kitchen is always open because someone is always hungry or at least "snacky". I, for one, just got a glass of juice, and right now, EK just got a piece of chocolate candy and is pouring some milk to go with it.

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I remember growing up, my mom would say "the kitchen is closed" a couple of times during the day. I used to think that was so mean, but I am starting to understand why she did that. My kids want to eat all.day.long!! It is making me nuts. I am preparing a snack/meal or cleaning the kitchen all the time, it seems. I am just trying to stay sane here, not put the kitchen on lock down. I don't really want to fight with them about food either, but I know something's got to give. :tongue_smilie:


How do you all handle this?


Mine is always open. I decided that closing it was not worth the battle.


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There is always someone here eating....but they clean up after themselves....so I don't care. We do snack really late too....




My house is like this as well. In fact, I rarely clean anything in the kitchen anymore. They just know when the dishwasher gets full to run it. When it finishes, they empty it. They are pretty good at cleaning up which is fine with me. As long as they leave it clean I don't care.

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I use that exact phrase "The kitchen is closed"...and sometimes, like right after lunch, everyone is done eating, mess is cleaned up, someone is asking AGAIN for something, I also say.. "I am on my fifteen minute break, you'll have to wait or get it yourself"....which usually means wait for DS6 or DS10.


All three of mine are boys and seem to want to eat non-stop. DS3 does tend to eat whenever he asks but it's things like banana, piece of cheese, etc, but the problem is that DS6 and 10 then think they need to eat too.


I do not keep snacky food in the house, otherwise they ask for it all day on long and seem to take turns, like they have worked out a schedule of whose turn it is to ask. Drives me nuts, so I just don't keep things in the house.


DS10 has a bit of a weight problem, not huge, but it is something to watch before it gets worse. I wonder sometimes if he is really hungry or kind of a glutton. He's the only who is always asking "Why did so-n-so get more then me"..."why did so-n-so get the last piece"..."Can I have the last piece (he hasn't even finished his first serving)"...."what's for lunch (it's 9a.m. at that point, he ate 30 minutes ago!!!)"


I do have the policy that you can eat fruit whenever you want it..DS10 has take me up on that offer a few times, but not often. DS6 rarely does, and of course DS3 kind of eats on demand, but he also usually cleans his plate at meal times.


Especially since we buy only organic fruit, which is pricey, I do have to watch my food budget, and can't have them just eating all day.


I actually got that phrase "the kitchen is closed" from a Holistic pediatrician, who was talking about healthy eating habits, snacking etc. The kitchen is ALWAYS closed after dinner, unless it is a rare occasion we are having dessert, which might happen once a month or so.

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We eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. Once in a while we also have a snack together, but only if our meal schedule got off kilter for some reason. Either I prepare the meals or one of my children does. We don't just go and eat on our own. Meals at our house are a social event. We eat mostly healthy foods and plan meals in advance to help our budget. Everyone at our house has a meal job and helps prepare or clean up (ie, wiping table, sweeping, loading dishwasher) and this helps keep the kitchen relatively clean.


I'm happy that our habit of not snacking has seemed to produce children that will eat almost anything. We don't have food battles, as I don't make them eat things, but they know that if they choose not to eat at a meal, they will need to wait to eat until the next meal.


This is very different from how I was raised. Growing up, my family snacked all day long and rarely ate meals together.

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I make meals - breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Unless it's something special, I don't make snacks. If they are hungry, the kiddos (3 and 5 yo) are welcome to snacks - the pantry shelf with nuts and dried fruits is accessible, they can pour themselves a drink, and fresh fruits/veggies are within easy reach as well. They ask before they have a snack, but the answer is usually yes, unless it's within half an hour or so of the next meal.

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Yes, the kitchen is always open. We endeavor to eat six small meals per day, and snacks are allowed whenever.

Wait...nothing after bedtime unless you are truly, truly hungry. My oldest can get most things for himself (I hate to cook), but I still have to get stuff for the one year old.

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We have breakfast, elevensies, lunch, a snack after quiet time, and dinner. Besides that, they can have fruit or baby carrots pretty much whenever they want. If I made my kids food every time they asked for it, I would literally never leave the kitchen. When they're old enough to make good food choices, I'll loosen the restrictions, but at this point they would fill up on string cheese and ramen and instant oatmeal if left to their own devices.

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We have set snack times and meal times. Other than that, out of my kitchen!


Same here, and mostly they get their own snacks at this point. It's not a tight schedule, but 3 meals plus morning snack & afternoon snack somewhere around halfway between. I cook for dinner, lunch is usually sandwiches or leftovers (they do their own about half the time), and breakfast I'll usually cook if they ask unless we're in a hurry.

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I meal plan and if you eat something out of that schedule you're taking food from someplace later on in the week.

If I left them to graze it would be like locusts attacked. They make their own breakfast. Fruit for snack. One usually wants to make lunch. Popcorn or crackers with something for afternoon snack and then dinner. Someone is assigned to clean up everyday. They know to come ask permission, say, if I happened to have tortillas. If it's not going to be used on my meal plan, then they can have it.



This is my house with a closed kitchen.


I have assigned chores of who make breakfast, lunch, and does clean up (3 differenet kids) and we menu plan.


Now the boys are getting older and I both dh and I remember eating what seemed like triple our body weight back then despite being bean pole skinny. So the older 3 get more access to healthy quick snacks and sandwiches and are expected to clean up too. Usually they eat a bigger snack like sandwiches and fruit before bed. Since they stay up later than the others, it really doesn't disrupt our day much.

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What an interesting thread to read!


Our kitchen is always open. We take lunch at the same time everyday and I generally fix supper at the same general time at night but otherwise, I let my child snack when he wants to. All I do is make sure I keep stuff that is ok to snack on....healthy, etc.

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My kitchen is always open, but the cook is only on duty for dinner. From the age of 4 or 5, my kids have been able to get their own breakfast. They could pour cereal or make toast from that age. They make their own lunches and snacks. I have a loose menu planned and I usually have lots of fruits and veggies and healthy alternatives for them to eat. Chips are not allowed for snack. If we have them in the house, it is for something special planned. Now, the breakfast cereal is a problem - lots of us LOVE it for snacks and it is hard to keep it in the house.

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I remember growing up, my mom would say "the kitchen is closed" a couple of times during the day. I used to think that was so mean, but I am starting to understand why she did that. My kids want to eat all.day.long!! It is making me nuts. I am preparing a snack/meal or cleaning the kitchen all the time, it seems. I am just trying to stay sane here, not put the kitchen on lock down. I don't really want to fight with them about food either, but I know something's got to give. :tongue_smilie:


How do you all handle this?



Not the kitchen is closed, but they do hear me say "I'm sorry, the cook is not on call" whenever they ask for snacks and stuff. When ds was little, I would make him something, but now, at 9, he can make his own pb&j or crackers and cheese, and there is always plenty of fruit on the cupboard, and cut up carrots and/or celery in the fridge. If that doesn't do it, he can pour a bowl of cereal or nuke some soup. If THAT doesn't do it... tough toots.


And, dh... he knows better than to ask!

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My kids are older now. The ones at home are 11, 13, 15, 16, and I have 20-year old twins who are home now and then from college.


I keep baby carrots and homemade yogurt for snacks. The kids are also free to make cookies whenever. I don't buy junk food, so unless they are willing to eat yogurt or carrots or cook their snack, they are totally out of luck.



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Mine is always open because I'm not around during the day, and I really don't know what kiddo gets to eat nor how nutritious it is, BUT, my mother had three meals a day for us, period. We were allowed one glass of milk and fruit in between. She had a bushel basket of fruit (apples or oranges or grapefruit) in the pantry and we chomped at that ad lib. However, no snack an hour before meals, and we came to the table like wolves.


Sometimes in the summer, when the tomatoes were going, she'd put out a platter of fresh slices, with a bit of onion and olive and lemon juice on them.

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We used to have an open kitchen but as the kids got older I noticed that they would snack and then not eat the regular meals that were healthier for them. I now have set meal and snack times and regulate what we offer as a snack. It was a good decision. The kids are less focused on grazing in the kitchen.

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I close the kitchen.


Not always, but at times.


I cook at least 2 meals a day (or DH if I am working). I don't make/prepare snacks, but we've settlled into a routine for snacks in terms of timing and types.


We have assigned chores; my dd empties and loads the dishwasher once a day (DH or myself the other times and yes, it's an issue a few times a day). The handwash, counters and table get rotated between the boys.


I will close the kitchen if chores have not been done, if a prepared meal was not eaten or if foods known to be for outings or meals have been consumed (such as bags of chips to assist with sporting event nights so we don't eat at the concession stand).

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My husband grew up in a planned menu, kitchen closed home. I grew up in a eat what you want, but clean up after yourself home. I make breakfast, lunch and dinner. During the day if they are thirsty they grab a water bottle from the schoolroom fridge. They will run up and grab, fruit, yogurt, cheese or whatever they want from the fridge. They are REALLY good about cleaning up after themselves, and if the sinks are clean (usually are) then everything goes in the dishwasher, and they are good about that. I trained them young and I guess the fruits of that are a clean kitchen and one that's always open:)

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