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Happy Birthday, RHONDABEE!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks! You made my day!!!!!


Which, I guess, tells you the kind of day I'm having... (LOL)


I thought about PM'ing you just to vent (I was re-visiting our progym/modern writing thread, and knew you understood the angst I am in!). I will spare you the intimate details of my grammar/writing/rhetoric issues. Suffice it to say I will be so glad when the new edition of WTM comes out!!!


Having good friends like you makes even a birthday on a rainy, cold (possibly snowy) day with nothing to do but clean the house *so* much better!!!


Thanks, Colleen!!!

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I thought about PM'ing you just to vent (I was re-visiting our progym/modern writing thread, and knew you understood the angst I am in!). I will spare you the intimate details of my grammar/writing/rhetoric issues. Suffice it to say I will be so glad when the new edition of WTM comes out!!!


Oh, still send me that PM - you know I love talking about that stuff with you - you always give me some new glimpse that I hadn't thought about before. And I will try to remember to tell you about the conf. workshops, too.


Hope you have an awesome birthday evening!!!!!!!!!! Celebrate your life this day!

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Thank you, Ladies!


I am so thankful for all of you here! It is one thing to have friends that I actually know what they look like and sound like. We can laugh and play cards and socialize.


But, to be able to bare my soul here, and know that you all really understand. That you accept me and this bizarre notion I have that I am for some reason *called* to do this homeschool "thing"...well, it's nice to have *someplace* to go to when IRL no one else really *gets* me.


Thanks, guys!

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