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Which edition of Lial's Basic College Math?

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Which edition of Lial's Basic College Math do I need? Is an older edition, like the 5th, ok? Or do you need 7th or 8th? Are there major differences?


What do I need for the program? Is there just a book and solution manual?



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Any edition 5th on up will do.


All you need is the text as 90% of all problems are only 1-2 steps (so worked out solutions are really no help).


The text has all of the answers to odd problems (more than enough practice) and ALL of the test and chapter review/cumulative review answers.


The 5th edition does have 'some' worked out solutions in the back--so it has more pages, other than that the editions are very similar except for the cover.


This text can be used as a workbook--only a few problems will need more room..


I reinforced the cover with clear self-laminating sheets--it really helps.


DVT (video lessons for computer) are available for most editions for around $30-35.

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which cost less, so that I can buy a copy for myself and for dc. Although I taught four years of Lial's to my first two out of *one book* each year, they've grown up and I've changed enough that we really like our personal space.


So now I own two copies of everything through Intermediate Algebra. :lol:


It's working well for us! (And it has been a trip to read the notes the first child penciled in as he worked!)

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