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What short stories are covered in LLATL Gold American Lit?

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I've looked on the website at the scope and sequence (essay techniques and literary elements covered); and the books needed for LLATL Gold American Lit (which tells you which novels, poetry anthology, and short story anthology to get), BUT -- nowhere does it tell you which short stories are covered. :confused:


I'm attempting to pull together my own list for American Lit, and am leaning towards using LLATL for part of that -- but really would like to know which stories/authors are included. THANKS so much in advance! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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The Real Thing - Henry James

The Open Boat - Stephen Crane

Unlighted Lamps - Sherwood Underson

The Catbird Seat - James Thurber

To The Mountains - Paul Horgan

Young Goodman Brown - Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Fall of the House of Usher - Edgar Allan Poe

Bartleby the Scrivener - Herman Melville

Baker's Bluejay Yarn - Mark Twain

A Village Singer - Mary Wilkins Freeman

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