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Time Travelers History Units by Homeschool In The Woods

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I am looking at using the Revolutionary War, the Early 19th Century, and their new Civil War units.


What has been your experience with these?


Were the projects easy to complete? Were the materials easy to find?


Did you feel the information was complete?


Did you feel the need to supplement with other books?


How did you schedule your unit?


Thank you for taking the time to respond! :001_smile:

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I looked at this program. My only concern was the amount of printing. Our printer tends to have a mind of its own and doesnt always agree with what I want. Also, gathering the supplies was not something I was looking forward to doing. Where we live, if it doesnt come from Walmart, we have to order it. So, for me, the printing alone made this program unworkable but the gathering of supplies was also a draw back.


It looks absolutely wonderful though if you can over come those hurdles

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We used the Colonial one and LOVED it! There was a lot of printing but it was worth it since I had 2 kiddos doing it at the same time. The scheduling was easy and everything was so well done. I would highly recommend these units. I only wish they would do one for modern times.

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We used Colonial times and are in the midst of Revolutionary War now. They have been great for both the kids and me. We have learned so much. The projects are varied in type and complexity, but we did not find any too difficult. We have supplemented with lots of additional books about the Revolutionary War because it is a subject of great interest to my 3, but you wouldn't necessarily have to.



I didn't have any difficulty finding supplies for the projects. I am planning to do the Civil War and Early 19th century at the beginning of next year.

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We're using the Colonial unit. There are a lot of activities to do, and most of the materials for the projects were easy to find. My dd has really enjoyed the projects. The lapbook elements are mostly color, cut & paste/tape, but they are drawn beautifully.


I have supplemented with books. I prefer having text I can read to the kids, and most of the lesson text is boring for my 7 & 9 yo and written at too high a level. I sometimes summarize parts of a lesson.


I'm not a schedule person, so I haven't scheduled. We've been working with the Colonial CD for far too long, though. I use it along with TruthQuest history. I've brought in extra stuff (like extra lapbooks and activities books) and even put it aside for a while at times. If I liked projects and other hands-on stuff, we probably would have moved much more quickly through it. The only hands-on stuff I like is lapbooking, and I much prefer to have mini-books that the kids have to write in. My kids don't care much for coloring.


I have the American Revolution and Early 19th Century CDs. I hope to move more quickly through those.

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We used the Explorers and the Colonial Life study and we totally LOVED them! I printed everything out all at once and put it in a binder so it was ready to go. For the Explorers study, I had all 3 of my dc do all the activities and make their own lap books. But for the Colonial Life one, we divided the activities up between the kids and then put them all together to make one shared lap book.


We added a related biography to what was already there, but only because we like to read together. There is plenty of info from the program itself, my kids learned sooooooo much, and had fun doing it!

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