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Any phonics&La program that you &your child really enjoy?


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I am still trying to decide for a phonics and LA curriculum. My son is only 5 but he read very well (about 3rd grade) and spell simple words . He likes color and independent work. He hates when I am trying to explain him anything !


I need something that is not too much teacher intensive as I have 4 kids under 5 .


So far , I thought Modern Curriculum Press Phonics B (MCP) would be good for him , but I wonder if it is not too easy . I 've looked at MCP C and it seems ok for him but too much writing for his little hand .


Also , I thought about Abeka Letters and Sounds and Spelling but I wonder if I need the TM for that and if it is too much intensive for me?

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He could watch all my phonics lessons (no more than one a day at that age.) After watching those, if you listen a bit and watch my Webster movie (linked in Webster's Speller link below), he should be ready for Webster.


You can teach with Webster in just a few minutes a day. I taught from the white board and my daughter loved picking the marker colors. I would do most of the spelling orally at that age, or occasional written spelling with the marker color of his choice.


When we were first starting with phonics, my daughter really enjoyed "Read, Write, Type," but it sounds like he is beyond that now. You could try to download their "Wordy Querty" and see how that goes. Their stuff is a bit expensive, but it works well and is fun. They have free demos to help you decide. http://www.talkingfingers.com/


I also have a fun phonics game, but small children may try to eat the pieces, you could try and see how it goes: http://www.thephonicspage.org/On%20Phonics/concentrationgam.html


Whatever program you decide to use, at that age and especially for a boy, you can do "written" spelling orally instead or with magnetic letters on a magnetic white board or a cookie sheet. You can get bigger choke proof letters magnetic letters that are safe around little siblings, you'll need 2 sets to be able to spell most words, 3 is even better, but 2 sets will spell most words.

Edited by ElizabethB
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