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Brick and mortar homeschool stores in Williamsburg (or close by)?

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Welcome to W'burg.



I was just in Merchant's Square this evening thinking fondly of the Scribner's that was there many (many) moons ago, and the *huge* treat that consisted of buying a book (The Thorn Birds, of all things!) and a Cheese Shop sandwich (had to save those nickels and dimes in order to splurge), and taking them down to a garden in CW during a fall break when I cdn't afford to go home.


Oh, well, even Scribner's probably wdn't have had the logic books I was looking for. :)


Thanks! Amazon it is.

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If you make it into Richmond at any point we have one teacher supply on the Southside (near Chesterfield Town Center) and another a few miles away just over the county line in Powhatan; but the real jewel here is a little independant bookstore in the city itself called "Book People." The owner is *amazing* and the shop itself is a bibliophile's dream.



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