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I need help picking a name...

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for a new homeschooling website for my area!


Since everyone loves a contest, I’m giving a $15 gift certificate to Amazon.com to the person who suggests what I think is the best name (even if I don’t end up using it). Click here to check out the details and to suggest a name.


I look forward to seeing everyones’ ideas. Contest ends Tuesday, April 7 at 5 p.m.

Edited by Obi-Mom Kenobi
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I'm also looking for ideas about what you'd like to see on such a website if it were for your own city or region - curriculum swap spot? mom's night activities? services by homeschoolers? place to rent space for a group? anything you've found it particularly difficult to track down on your own?

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Right after I posted about the contest, the server at WordPress had a code error that didn't allow for comments to be made.


I received several emails from people here letting me know about the problem, and it appears to be up and running again. So please go on back to cast your votes for the website name.:001_smile:

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