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Alternative to R & S poetry lessons?


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My 11 year old daughter does great with Rod & Staff English, except for the poetry lessons -- specifically the rhythm lessons. I am at a loss of how to make it understandable for her. Any suggestions on teaching poetry? Others books, websites, anything? Thanks!

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Well, I've never actually used it but I do own it...you could try The Grammar of Poetry by Matt Whitling. It is part of the Imitation in Writing series. They had them at Veritas Press last year of so but you could probably google it and find easily enough.


Also, my dd (6th) will be starting Poetry for Beginners from Classical Writing later this year. Here is the link: http://www.classicalwriting.com


Or you might look for something at a teacher materials site like Evan Moor too.


Sorry, that's all I can think of...



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Painless Poetry might work. It might be a little old, but not by much. Also, you might try just having her keep a poetry notebook. Have a few age appropriate authors and then have her pick her favorite poem and keep it in a book. Just exposure to many different authors might give her a better idea. Dd and I found R&S to be lacking in teaching poetry.

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