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If you live in a state the requires approval/notification

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The deadline for my province is Sept 30th to be eligible for funding, if we start after Sept 30 or don't file out registrations in time no funding is avail for that year. I will actually my submitting my registration by May 1st so I can get my Funding in August rather than October.


ETA portfolio assessment begins this month, I have my review April 28th

Edited by swellmomma
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Our requirement is very vague so I submit one week before the start of the local ps. That way I figure, they will not have enough time to nit pick my notification but will have enough time to properly process and file it away to clear the decks for the start of their classes!


BTW, I used to send it registered mail so I would get that little signed card back proving that they had received my form. But these last few years I just hand deliver it. I typed up my own little form for them to acknowledge receipt and they dutifully sign it and I'm on my way for another year.

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