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Need new book on tape series for the car...

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We love to listen to books on tape in the car. We've been through all of the Little House series, all of the Chronicles of Narnia, all of the Anne of Green Gables (that our library had on tape), hmmm, what else? We love the series books b/c when we're done with one, it's nice to stay mentally in that frame of mind for the next one! An independent book would be good too.


Any other series that is of this caliber that is for kids that you suggest?


Thanks! You guys always have great suggestions!


- Stacey in MA

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We are finishing up The Cat of Bubastes by G.A. Henty read by Jim Weiss. Some others are:

The Hobbit

Lord of the Rings

Summer of the Swans

Across Five Aprils

James and the Giant Peach

Caddie Woodlawn

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We love Down Gilead Lane...so far they have 10 seasons so that can keep you busy for awhile. My kids can't wait for the newest one to come out...it is put out by cbh ministries. If you google it, you should be able to find it.



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We love "The Cat Who" mysteries. They are fun for the whole family. The main character is divorced, and while I don't remember any minor language issues, there is always a murder described (but I call it murder-lite, along the lines of the old Agatha Christie). We also enjoyed the Father Brown mysteries on tape, but the language is VERY rich and advanced vocabulary might have you answering a lot of questions. :)

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