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Typing program for an 11 year old

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by Diana Hanbury King, published by Educators Publishing Service (EPS).

I like EPS for its specialized skills work in many areas.

This book is part of the "Writing Skills" series by the same author.

It uses the alphabetic method to teach (not sure exactly what that means, lol).


The author says this is especially good for kids who struggle with the motor tasks of handwriting -- that's why I bought it, my son has trouble with a pencil. Haven't used it yet, but I'm looking forward to it next year when he'll be in 5th grade and 11 years old.


Hope that helps.


Rainbow Resource Center's website would probably have a ton of choices for keyboarding, and the good thing about Rainbow Resource is the detailed descriptions they give you for everything they sell.


All the best to you!!

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I second the Keyboarding Skills recommendation! I've used this with two of mine. I wish I had learned this way! Instead of the monotonous "F, space, F, J, space, F, J, K, space, F, J, K, L, space" that I had to endure in typing class, it teaches them the alphabet. I think it's much more useful way to learn how to type a letter and move back to base position. My dc enjoy it, and we do go back to it periodically as a refresher (after learning with this, they do the Typing Instructor Deluxe - I feel better having them do that once they are good at the hand position). FWIW, we were able to check Keyboarding Skills out of the library, and our system has many copies - yours may have it, too!

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I am looking for a keyboarding program for dd who has dsylexia, spelling issues and weak keyboarding skills. Would Type, Read Write or Wordy Qwerty be too young for her? If so do you have any other suggestions?



Sheila in Wyoming


Try this free typing site.http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/typing/flash/stage1.shtml

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