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Well, dh and I fly to CA tomorrow morning to meet "in person" some of the rental homes we saw online. I also get to meet his new employers. So, here I am, hat in hand asking for prayer. Pray that we would find the right home for us and our 3 littles and that the kids would be good for the various Aunts that are sharing the bbsitting duties. I am very anxious about coming back to PA without a rental agreement. I dread living in a hotel room and then trying to find a place with 3 kids "helping" us look!

I know that the Lord has a plan for us...I just wish he'd email it to me! :tongue_smilie:



Well, dh and I fly to CA tomorrow morning to meet "in person" some of the rental homes we saw online. I also get to meet his new employers. So, here I am, hat in hand asking for prayer. Pray that we would find the right home for us and our 3 littles and that the kids would be good for the various Aunts that are sharing the bbsitting duties. I am very anxious about coming back to PA without a rental agreement. I dread living in a hotel room and then trying to find a place with 3 kids "helping" us look!

I know that the Lord has a plan for us...I just wish he'd email it to me! :tongue_smilie:



I've told him its ok to leave a message on the mirror through the steam from the shower. But he didn't....


Prayers! Let us know how it goes!!



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