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Abeka science 7 & 8 what do you think?

MIch elle

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I haven't seen the text but I found this list of Grade 7 topics on the Abeka site:



soil science

the human body

principles of physical science

atmospheric science

the weather






Hope this helps a little.

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I taught those books in Christian school a while back. I can't remember a ton, but you know that A Beka is unabashedly Christian and they teach science from a young-earth Creationist viewpoint. Now, the whole book isn't about Creationism, but that is the worldview they are working from. I thought the books were good, but I also hold to that viewpoint.

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My son is using Abeka 7th grade Science Order and Reality. It is a very colorful soft textbook. It also covers Creation Vs. Evolution. According to the Abeka site, their science covers half a semester. The other half is for their health curriculum. However, if you choose to only use the science book, you can spread it out over a year. You can choose to do science either twice or three times a week.


I used Get Body Smarthttp://www.getbodysmart.com/, Human Gross Anatomyhttp://www.innerbody.com/as a supplement for the Ananomy and Physiology. However, here is a list of others.http://www.kidinfo.com/Health/Human_Body.html

Edited by LUV2EDU
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