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Huge welt from bug bite...

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For the past few days, I've had some strange bites on my arms in the morning that I am assuming are flea bites from our kittens. They've escaped outside a few times & my dh had procrastinated putting on their flea meds. I've noticed them scratching lately. So for the past week, I've been waking up w/ a few more bites. Then 2 nights ago I started getting some on my legs. Now I have this HUGE welt on one leg and it's kind of warm. It must be something like 3-4 inches in diameter. Is this something I should call the doctor about?

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YES! See the doctor. It's very common for people to get staph infections from bug bites, and from your description I'd want a doctor's opinion. I'm a little sensitive to this these days since my son had staph from a bug bite. We had to debride the wound (ie, scrape away the dead flesh) daily and even today he's got a depression in his leg from where he lost so much flesh. Don't mess around if it could be staph. Shudder.



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