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How important is it to you that your DC enjoy homeschooling?

How important is it to you in continuing to HS, that your DC enjoy homeschooling?  

  1. 1. How important is it to you in continuing to HS, that your DC enjoy homeschooling?

    • Very Important - we wouldn't homeschool if the kids didn't want to and enjoy it.
    • Somewhat Important - We try to create a learning program that pleases the kids
    • Not Super Important - We create the daily plan, taking some of the kids' requests into consideration
    • Not Important - We'll homeschool whether the kids enjoy it or not
    • Other - Please explain....

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I suppose it depends on what the initial goal of homeschool is to accomplish. Ours was a superior education and a happy, well adjusted family. The education part is being accomplished. The happy portion is where the poll comes into play.


DD,11, is really missing constant social interaction. She is unhappy and will almost certainly be returning to school in the fall. Not sure if it will be public or private school. Why should I keep her at home to prove a point? Her happiness is important. It's her life. While I desire to accomplish more goals, a person must put themselves in an environment to be both successful and happy.


My others want to stay at home. Two will definitely be home next year, possibly all four. It would be so much easier to only educate 2 or 3 kids instead of all five (or four). The daily dynamic would change--for the better.


So, yes, our children have a voice in their education. We have the final word, but their opinion is important.

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I want my dc to enjoy homeschooling (so far, so good after 7yrs). However, I think it's going to boil down to the old piano practice senario -- you know, the one where "everybody in the whole world" is playing outside except your dc who is practicing his/her instrument. What do those musicians say years later when they remember being "stuck" practicing? "Thanks, Mom, for making me practice."


I'm hoping my dc will say, "Thanks, Mom, for homeschooling me," at their graduation, but I'll be okay with it if they don't. :tongue_smilie:

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