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Our Story Hour CDs - anyone use?


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I think they are cute. The quality is pretty good, but *I* think they are a bit - well - staged. I do not think the quality is as good as Jonathan Park, but they are okay. I dont want to give them a bad review - they are not bad. But, they are not top either. If that is clear at all. We use them with our history program.

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I grew up hearing those on the radio. They made various things "stick" in my head that I didn't hold onto from any other source. You might be able to find a better audio drama option out there (I don't know) but I can attest to the usefulness of using audio drama to get a story/historical person across.


Mama Anna

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My kids have enjoyed them--we have vol. 6 & 7, and Vol 3 of the Bible ones--my son is begging for the other volumes as there was a cliffhanger in vol 3, LOL!


I'm amazed at the people my kids have said, "oh, I know about him/her..." when we read--and it's from these CD's.


Merry :-)

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We've listened to the Beautiful Feet stories. They're okay, a bit too overdramatic, IMHO. I would only use them if you can't find Jim Weiss stories or an interesting audiobook for the period you're studying. If you're doing BF, they fit in well and I would get them for that program since they're scheduled for you.

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