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How do I find a local piano teacher?

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I don't have any relationships with local homeschoolers or really other Moms period. I'm not quite sure how to find a good local piano teacher who can come to my house. Would something like CraigsList be a way to start? I'm going to one of the local music instrument stores for guitar lessons for my other guy. Would I be better to ask for recommendations there? It's lessons for my 11yr old, if that matters. :)



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Yes, I think that a music store might be a good place to start. (Especially if they sell beginning piano books!) Also, if there are any colleges or universities with music schools in your area, they might have some info. Middle/High school music teachers sometimes make money on the side or know the teachers of their ps students. Another possibility is checking out pianists or organists of larger (or even smaller) churches around. Anywhere you find musicians, there's likely to be someone who knows of someone . . .


Good luck!


Mama Anna

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I found my piano teacher by searching the directory of the music teachers association in my city. My mother was a piano teacher and she was always a member of our local music teachers association. I then filtered it to my zip code since I didn't want to drive very far. In my area, I don't think teachers willing to come to your house exists (I had a friend try to find one), but that doesn't mean you can't find one.


My piano teacher lets me bring all 3 of my dc who are taking right now and I drop them off and pick them up when they are all done. They have books to read, handwriting, or other work they can do w/o me with them to do during the time they are waiting their turn. Plus, I only school at home on 4 days and they take piano lessons on Friday mornings and then we go to co-op in the afternoon. I only offer what works for us in case you can't find a teacher to come home. I hope you find a teacher that you like! :D

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We move quite a bit, so I've had to find new piano teachers a few times.


I've had good luck calling an area college and asking the piano instructor there for a recommendation. We've found a couple gems that way!


Um...have your older son date a really nice girl who happens to be a musician and is willing to come to your house and give DD8 piano lessons for only $10 each!


Sorry, that's me...:D The above suggestion is excellent.

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If they question coming to the house, there's a company that specializes in just that, that's who I'm using. Unfortunately, they're not in your state yet, they're in 5 states right now:




I really like our instructor. (And, I'm capable of teaching piano myself, I just prefer not to. I may teach myself when we move to Los Angeles, depending on how high the piano lesson prices are there.)

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Our local band is very good. There are several piano students from several piano instructors. Since the band director or choir director can evaluate the results of different teachers, he/she can recommend who produces a good student.




I found out our currect piano teacher was not one of their favorites. The band director recommended someone else for me.

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