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Question for EXPLODE THE CODE users


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My daughter will be finishing Explode the Code #3 soon, and maybe #4 before we end our "year".


We are over halfway through the Ordinary Parents Guide to TEaching reading.


What did you do for spelling? did you just use Explode the Code for spelling or did you do a seperate spelling program? If you waited to finish book 7 or 8, then what spelling program did you move into?


She'll be in first grade "officially" next year so I assume we'll start a spelling program. Someone suggested I just use ETC as our spelling, so I was curious what other users have found.


Thanks so much for any thoughts you have!


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We didn't get all the way through the ETC books before dds got bored with it. We started Wordly Wise and Sequential Spelling. They love doing Sequential Spelling. It's the one thing we ALWAYS get done. Both girls are strong spellers naturally though if that makes a difference.

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We went through ETC 8 then started Spelling Power at the level indicated by the placement tests in SP. It has been working quite well for us.


I tried switching to SP after about book 4 or 5 of ETC because she was reading very well, but she wanted to go back. When we tried again after ETC 8, she did place significantly higher in SP. SP says it's for 8 and up, but we started at 7 in mid 2nd grade with no difficulties (but she is a natural speller, which makes a difference).

Edited by KarenNC
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right now b/c of $$$ I'm just using ETC as spelling - dd is in ETC 5 and I'm using words from 4 right now, 10 words per rule that she learned. I'm looking at spelling currics for next year to hopefully do something different, but for right now, she's doing fine with it this way. We're also working on spelling sight words that she uses in her notes to us...a note she wrote from the other day 'boys if you whent to cumin you hefto nock 3 timse'. :D

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We are in the same spot you are, my ds (who turns 6 tomorrow) will get through most if not all of book 4 before we start up 1st grade in the fall. We have used it without any formal spelling. I also do not plan to use a spelling curriculum next year for a few reasons, but mainly that between ETC, FLL, and WWE I think he will be writing enough to naturally catch onto spelling. I actually do not plan to formally do spelling until 3rd or 4th grade. This plan may change (probably will, I change my "master plan" all the time), but for now I would really rather he focus on reading than spelling.


IF I was to do spelling, I definitely would not spend money on a program ... there are just too many freebie spelling lists out there. ;)


I'm sure there are people out there that will disagree with me ... but I just don't think a 6 year old needs a formal spelling program. :)

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Thank you to everyone. What great information!


I think we'll just stick with ETC for 1st grade without spelling. BUT now I have so many spelling curriculums to look into! Good stuff.


We'll probably hold off as ETC seems to be helping her spell fairly well as of now. I just noticed that the words in book 4 seem to be beyond her spelling even though she can read them just fine.


Thanks again to all!

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My daughter is 8 and just now finishing up on book 5 in ETC. I thought it would be good for her spelling but so far it's not working as well as I hoped. I tried spelling power with her but she wasn't ready for it.It Skips around too much and she needs to learn more phonics before we can use it. Then we tried spellwell and it is ok but still not what she needs. Finally, We were given a copy of All About Spelling. It seems to be exactly what we were looking for. We did our first lesson today. My 5 year old is going to be starting on it as well to help her learn to read.

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I have not read all the other responses so forgive me if I am repeating...


We finished the entire ETC series through Book 8 and even several of the half books before starting a formal spelling. I found that ETC was enough to give my son a strong foundation to become a great speller. If you want to do a little spelling, why not create a short spelling list yourself using the rule introduced that week in ETC? You can have your dd do a fun activity with the words each day: write them in shaving cream spread on the bathtub wall; write them in sand/salt spread on a jelly roll pan; find them in a word search (you can find lots of free word search generators online); write a short sentence with each word...The activities you choose should be suited to your dd's learning style.


Good luck with whatever you decide. ETC was a great program for us and I plan on starting with Get Ready, Get Set and Go next year with my ds4 (who will be 5)!

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