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Questions for those using Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1

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I recently purchased a partial TT Algebra 1 set for a friend. It is missing the blue answer key and test bank book and the test CDs. I am able to purchase these from the company, but if my friend doesn't "test" her child, are they necessary? Do you think she will need the blue answer key book or will the solutions CDs cover the answers from the textbook?




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I use the answer key every day to check my son's work. He has to correct his work. If he gets it wrong a second time then I have him watch the solutions CD. The answer key would be a much faster way to arrive at the answer instead of having to watch the solutions CD for every problem. We only use the solutions CD if my son just cannot figure out the answer to a problem.


I would suggest that she get the blue answer key.



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Do you think she will need the blue answer key book or will the solutions CDs cover the answers from the textbook?



I have the complete set -- along with the Keys to Algebra set. We're about to begin using it -- 8 chapters from finishing TT: Pre-Algebra. Yay!


From using TT:Pre-Algebra, we used the answer key daily. I liked the tests as they proved mastery before moving on to the next chapter. And it also helped to see a long past problem "pop" up on the test -- that showed if son recalled concepts early in the chapter. Son hates the lecture CD -- but uses the same CD to review Practice Set if needed.


Ideally, the solutions CD should be used also if the child is independently working on the book and really struggling with a concept that is beyond the parent's grasp. I am assuming the parent feels confident in not needing the answer key or solutions CD? I do recommend them!

-- Pat



Former K-6 Schoolteacher (15+ years)

Mom to a wonderful DS (13.5 yr old)

and awesome Hubby (22 yrs of marriage)

HS'er for 5 years

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