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Online/computer programs for history? other subjects?


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In an effort to break up my time easier between schooling and my little ones, I need to make some changes....some computer learning is going to have to be it. We use RS math and FLL, both which require me, of course, but I will be sticking with them. What is available for other subjects, especially history? Maybe some science, too? (would be awesome if you had any online ocean life programs) Thanks!!!!!!!


I'm sorry, I forgot to add I'd be looking at things for k-2 level. :)

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For k-2 I'm not sure if independant work would be recommended for any subject, but in little spurts, like a worksheet, or something extra curricular. If you want something extra curricular, but educational, I dont' have a recommendation. But, if you want a history that's easy on you I would recommend Story of the World Cds. Listening to these instead of reading them aloud can make it easier on you, because you will save your breath for other subjects, and the children get to listen to another voice besides yours. I recommend listening to them together, then having a discussion or a notebook page about the main point.


For science, I have no help there for something easier on mom. I'm using K12 science, which I like very much. It's on the computer, but it takes my involvement. :001_smile:

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I know independent work wouldn't be ideal, but atm it's not ideal that my little ones get pushed to the side while I try to get so much work done with DS, kwim? I was really thinking of History Odyssey next year, but I'm really nervous about actually getting it done. DD1 will turn 5 in the fall so she would enjoy more things with us, but DD2 just turned one this month, so it will be hard. I'm just trying to brainstorm ways to be more productive with our day, really, and I was thinking some educational computer programs could be a huge help. We're covering the 3r's lately but not getting the full enriching experience I always wanted at home. We just started with workboxes, which is helpful. DS needs to by busy all. the. time. LOL so some other direction that is also enriching would be super helpful. I don't plan to suddenly make him sit and do all his work alone. ;)


I wanted to add that we live in Key West so the ocean is literally in our backyard....so being on a pc or worksheets to gather info would be fine, since we have the hands-on all around us!! :)


Also, I've tried to stay away from th dreaded workbooks/worksheets, but perhaps we need to utilize some....suggestions?

Edited by truebluexf
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