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Which science?

Guest villarosa

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Guest villarosa

I'm having trouble deciding which science to use next year with my two ds(9 and 7). We will be starting with Ancient History STOW (for the second time) so I'm looking for life science in particular. Up to this point I have been using books recommended in WTM but it has been hit or miss. I am looking at Living Learning Book's life science curriculum and Considering God's Creation, which I have used a little bit. Thanks for any advice!!

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Well...I'm probably no help. I used and enjoyed LLB for earth/sky and chemistry, but my understanding was that the life science was very, very basic with lots of coloring. I would think it would be way too babyish for a 9yo.


I tried to use CGC, but the religious content turned me off. You may not have that issue, however.


I'll offer an alternative: REAL Science. It wasn't around when I started hs'ing, but it seems to get good reviews.

Edited by Sue in St Pete
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