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So, half the laundry is washed...

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And one huge mess in the office area is almost cleaned up.


But, this is sooo NOT what I want to be doing on Sundays.


The list of things that need to get done just keeps growing.


Maybe I just need a nap (my baby is just 9 weeks old... do I still get to sleep when the baby sleeps?):D



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I still sleep when the baby sleeps sometimes - and he's almost 3.


Of course, the list just grows then, but I figure it's never really going to get finished so who cares how long it is? As long as there's clean underwear and I have a clean towel (I don't care so much for the kids) then we're good to go!

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I agree! Take a nap. The laundry will always be there when you wake up. :o I'm thanking my lucky stars today for my darling DH who took over the laundry today because I'm not feeling well. More importantly, I didn't even ask! That's rare here.

Hang in there and try to take it easy!

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