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Is anyone planning on using TT 4?

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I have a very indepedent learner that will be in 4th grade next year. I am trying to decide if TT 4 might be the way to go for him. He often gets frustrated having to "wait his turn" for me to help him with his lessons (however, he is not a disrespectful frustrated, he just wants to get his work done). I don't want him to dislike learning, (also the more independent we get the less stressed out mom is) so I am wondering if this might be a positive thing to use with him. Any thoughts? Am I being overly concerned or does this sound like it might be worth the $$?

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TT is great for independent learners. I require my children to watch the explanation portion of the lecture for any problems they miss (they work on their assignment--the workbook--while watching the lecture and answer the questions both in the workbook and on the computer).


I would suggest that you consider placing your ds at least one grade ahead. We are using TT5 for my 3rd and 4th graders, and TT Pre-Algebra for my 6th grader. Compared to other math programs we've used, TT doesn't appear to be on grade level. My 4th grader is not AT ALL mathy, and TT 5 has been perfect. My 3rd grader is very mathy, and could probably handle TT6 (but I don't want to get him too far ahead at this point). HTH. :001_smile:

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I am planning to use TT4 next year for my third grader. He really wanted to use TT next year like his big brother, and he passed the placement test for TT4, so that's what we are going to do. All though, it is killing me that I won't be able to buy it used, and I have no others following behind to use it after him. Hopefully I will be able to sell it for half of what I am going to pay. :eek:

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