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Charlotte Mason High School

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This year middle ds is using WP's S&S with the older learner's guide. WP has Quest for the Ancient World, Quest for the Middle Ages, and Quest for Royals and Revolution that are CM inspired programs suitable for high school. They also have a Human Body and Forensics science program that they suggest using with Quest for the Middle Ages "which allow you to delve into the human body, a study that inspired the work of Leonardo da Vinci himself. To add even more interest, these studies allow students to enter the world of forensic science, investigating clues and solving cases with lab work." The Quest for Royals and Revolution has an optional music, art, and writing focus.

Next year I will be creating our CM-style one-year US History and Literature with picture study.

Middle ds will also be using Thematic Copywork Lessons: Lessons From Leaders, Journaling Through the Book of Proverbs, and Language Lessons for the High School Student from Queen Homeschool. Queen Homeschool has a CM High School Easy Pack J that I looked at when decided which of their products I wanted for next year.

He will be finishing up Conceptual Physics and using Roller Coaster Physics.

He will probably use Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry Level 2. According to the author's blog post from July 17, 2008 "Level II Chemistry nearly meets the full requirements for high school SAT preparation and, from what I can see, I think it covers enough topics in enough detail to qualify as a high school chemistry credit." Using the chemistry info from the SAT website she lists the exact information that is not covered. This is the science component sold in the Queen Homeschool Pack J. We may or may not use an additional book to fill in the few concepts that not covered.

There are some things (a grammar text, vocabulary workbook) that we will add, because I just can't let them go.:confused:




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Making Math Meaningful has an Algebra1 and a rough-draft of the Geometry is free on their website.



Charlotte Mason writes: "The chief value of arithmetic, like that of higher mathematics, lies in the training it affords to the reasoning powers. The child may learn the multiplication table and do a subtraction problem without any insight into the rationale of either - without seeing the reason of them." Memorization is only one small part of the reasoning powers. The primary goal of Making Math Meaningful is to teach your child how to reason mathematically.





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