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Do you need WWE if you use FLL?


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I opt to skip the narrations in FLL as I feel there is plenty for my ds in WWE since we double-up lesons. FLL 1/2 was written prior to WWE and therefore it is left up to the discretion of the parent.


Some exercises in FLL 3 and 4 are noted as "optional" by design assuming you may be using WWE alongside.


Hth. :)

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We are using level 2 of both this year.


There might be a very little bit of crossover/duplication.

WWE works strictly on writing any (narration, dictation and copywork). There is not really any grammar being taught in it at all. There is a little of the writing elements in FLL - it was written first, but there is only a little and it is easy enough to not do.


I will usually skip the FLL lessons that are just narration, because we get that 2x a week in WWE and also do it for history.

Depending on how the day is going, I will also sometimes skip the copywork or dictation in FLL.

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Does FLL have enough writing in it? I wouldn't be duplicating, would I? Thanks!


I consider FLL to be a grammar program with some writing thrown in, and WWE to be a writing program with some grammar thrown in. So, when I use FLL, I tend to skip the copywork/dictation at the end of each lesson, in favour of the WWE writing lesson of the day (and try to incorporate some of the FLL grammar into the WWE lesson).

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I just got the book so I haven't started yet. I am using FLL 3 for my youngest and thinking it would be good to use WWE for my youngest two as their writing program.


The workbooks seem rather young for a 4th grader and 6th grader, although the book says it is good for older children who struggle. What do you think?

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