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Word Roots A1 Software

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We are using this program. My dd is using B1 in the workbook format. My ds has the A1 software. I had to sit with him the first time we used this. We learned how to use the program together. After that, he has been able to do this on his own. I have to say, he asks to do this on many days. It doesn't seem like "work" to him. He loves that while he is doing the activities it has him building a city with castles. He can then earn different landscape for the castle. He gets so excited when he gets a new castle unlocked. I think if you are looking for a fun way to introduce latin root words, this is a great program.




We also got the Editor in chief software program. Neither one of my dc like to use that one :confused:

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He loves that while he is doing the activities it has him building a city


I agree that my son likes this program.


But I also wanted to add that it really requires that the student "learn" the roots in order to progress. My son is good at computer stuff & can often just skim over the learning. Not on this one.


We haven't used it as a main program, just as a review, but I thought I'd add that.

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