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How long are you contagious after influeza?

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DD got diagnosed on influenza A on Monday and started anti-viral meds that afternoon. Her doc didn't think she would be contagious after a few days. My doc said you were contagious until you stopped having a runny nose. DD is feeling much better. Her energy is slow to return but she hasn't had a fever since Tuesday morning. She has a coughing fit once or twice a day but she has a very dry cough and it isn't ongoing. She has a slight runny nose but she also has seasonal allergies.


Other dd was diagnosed with bronchitis and laryngitis and was put on antibiotic on Monday. I'm assuming that she wouldn't contagious after being on the antibiotic for 24 hours. She still has a quite a cough but is otherwise fine.


DS has been fine through this. He has no symptoms and is energetic as usual. I've been letting him sleep late in the mornings to assure that he is getting plenty of sleep. Wouldn't he have most likely gotten the flu by now if his sister hasn't been contagious since Wed or Thurs? He was also out of the house all day last Saturday and Sunday when she was the most contagious so that's a good thing.


So here's the real question: DS is supposed to have a birthday party and sleepover tonight. Do you think it would be ok to still have it? A few of his cousins are coming and I can tell that their parents are a little nervous about coming over. Of course I said that they can do what they want but that my ds seems fine. (of course there are no guarantees). A few of his friends from his bowling team are also coming over but they don't know about my girls being sick. I've also scrubbed the house down and santized areas like the kitchen and bathrooms. They'll be sleeping in sleeping bags on the floor but I still washed all of our bedding in the kid's rooms. I can't think of anything else I could do.


Oh by the way, we are under a winter storm warning and may get 6-8 inches tonight so people might not be able to get here anyway. I'm just trying to cover all of my bases.

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I can't speak for other parents, but I wouldn't send my ds to the party. I also think it's unfair not to let the other invited guests know that your kids have been sick. I would be livid if I sent my son to a party and then found out that some of the family members had been so ill earlier in the week.


Sorry if I sound harsh; I know you don't want your ds to be disappointed about his party, anf maybe other moms won't be as paranoid as I would be, but the flu and bronchitis are both potentially serious illnesses, and I wouldn't want my ds to be exposed to it.


I hope your ds never catches either illness, and that he has a very happy birthday! (Can you postpone the party until next week?)



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Five or six days, sometimes a bit longer for very young children and those with weaker immune systems. However, you're also contagious for about 24 hours before showing symptoms. Your son is just at the end of that window, but not quite out of it (five days for your daughter, plus one day for your son). Personally, I wouldn't have the party.

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Yikes! Now I don't know what to do. His two cousins have known about it so I'm leaving it up to the family.


He has 3 friends from his bowling team that are supposed to come. I never heard back from one. She was supposed to call me on Tuesday to let me know if he was coming or not so I don't even have their phone number. I was going to get all of that information today. The 2nd family has been out of town until late last night. I also don't have the 3rd families phone number (was going to get that today at bowling too).


Part of the problem is that their pediatrician made it sound like they wouldn't be contagious after Wednesday or Thursday so I didn't worry about it. My sister-in-law called this morning and was concerned about sending her son. That got me wondering and trying to research about it. I've found all different opinions online.

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They used to say that people were contagious as long as they had a fever, but more current research shows that you are contagious as long as you have symptoms.


I would absolutely cancel. It would be horrible to take a chance and then get each of those families sick, creating doctor bills and missed work for them. Between that and the weather, I would reschedule for next weekend.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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Because dd was on the anti-viral it shortens the duration of the flu and the time she can be contagious. She has been without a fever since Tuesday and even then it had gone from 103 to 100. The only thing she has left is a dry cough but it's only once in awhile. I think it's one of those coughs that will linger. Either way the doctor said that she wouldn't have been contagious after Wednesday or Thursday at the latest. I'll let the parents know the details and then can decide for themselves.

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Because dd was on the anti-viral it shortens the duration of the flu and the time she can be contagious. She has been without a fever since Tuesday and even then it had gone from 103 to 100. The only thing she has left is a dry cough but it's only once in awhile. I think it's one of those coughs that will linger. Either way the doctor said that she wouldn't have been contagious after Wednesday or Thursday at the latest. I'll let the parents know the details and then can decide for themselves.



I would definitely let all potential attendees know you've had flu in your home this week. Past the question of whether or not your dd is contagious, there is the question of whether your ds will succumb to the virus, too. He could be contagious 24-48 hours prior to exhibiting symptoms so there's simply no way of knowing. I'd let my guests make a well informed decision.


Also, your dd is/was contagious for as long as she has symptoms (fever and/or coughing, sneezing, etc). As you've heard, the anti-viral medication may simply serve to shorten that duration. The incubation period for the flu is 3-5 days so your ds would have 3-5 days from the last day your dd was symptomatic to show whether he's escaped or not. :-}


We cancelled plans with a friend this weekend 'cause her father has the flu. She's asymptomatic but it's a risk we did not feel worth taking.

Edited by Sharon in SC
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