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James Herriot - appropriate for almost 13 yo?

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he and his fellow vets tend to drink a lot and quite a few pages are devoted to what happens when they drink excessively. Also in the first book , as a single man, he goes to a dance, meets a girl (not the one that will become his wife) and fairly soon after meeting this girl, he is kissing her quite a bit.


This are the only parts I can remember that might be objectable. Obviously, most of the book is about his dealings with the various farmers and their animals

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Guest Virginia Dawn

There are very graphic descripitions of quite a number of vetinary procedures, if someone is squeamish they might not enjoy some parts of the stories. I think they are wonderful. Earthy without being crude.


That's *veterinary.* I think I can spell, most of the time.

Edited by Virginia Dawn
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There are very graphic descripitions of quite a number of vetinary procedures, if someone is squeamish they might not enjoy some parts of the stories. I think they are wonderful. Earthy without being crude.


My dd will love that! She is very science-oriented and wants to be a vet! I just wondered if there were anything else I should be worried about her coming across. Sounds like it would be fine!

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I love these books... I think I had read them all at about age 12. They did make me beg my parents repeatedly for a dog. ;) I found the books very entertaining and still do!


Reading them again as an adult, though, the one thing that bothers me is all the drunk driving. :glare:

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I had read them all by the time I was 13/14 and have re-read them numerous times since. My dd will start reading them next year - she'll be 12. The most graphic thing in the books, imo, are the veterinary procedures, but those don't raise any red flags for me. They are what they are. Oh, and they are absolutely hilarious.


Please do check out the TV series. Our library has the entire series, and our family re-watches them every couple years. Just absolutely delightful plus the beautiful Yorkshire Dales.



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gave the first two to my 12 yo for Christmas, and he loved them too. Yes, they are stories of adults and include the silly and foolish things some adults do, like drinking too much and swearing, but the tone is very warm and loving. Just adore these books.

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We've been listening to all of these on audiobooks (narrated by the same actor who plays Herriott on the BBC series) and thoroughly enjoyed them. There was more "language" than I remembered (e.g., Siegfried Farnon seems to curse more than I remembered from when I had read them!), but most of it is appropriate use of earthy/farm- and animal-based terminology, and other parts are British curses that will not sound, to American ears, like "bad words." Bottom line, I found the language noticeable, since I don't typically hear it much, but the stories are wonderful, and your 13 yr old will most likely love them. (My 12 yr old did!)

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:iagree: with what everyone has previously posted. For a child considering being a vet (especially for farm animals), I think this is a must read. Not because vet medicine is exactly like this but because "the heart" of a vet is well shown.



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I remember I first tried to read them when I was too young. Not because of any content, but because the medical terminology frustrated me to the point where I didn't even finish the books. I think I was 9/10 at the time though. I didn't pick them back up again until I was 17 and didn't have any problems then. I would think a 13 would be fine.

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I love these books myself--some of my absolute favorites! The only thing that has kept me from letting my almost 12yodd read them is the consistent use of God's name as a swear word (that would really bother her). I just wanted to throw that out in case it's a problem for you.

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