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Sonlight Science Questions


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For those of you who have used Sonlight Science -- have you ever condensed their 5 or 4 day curriculum into 2 or 3 days? For instance, on a week where you just don't have the 4 or 5 scheduled days available, or if you want to supplement with something else, is it possible to combine days together?


I'm curious to know if the curriculum is flexible enough to do this from time to time, if need be.


Also, if you have supplemented with anything, what have you used? My initial thoughts are that the RS4K texts might be good supplemental reading, from time to time, to expand on a concept touched on in SL. I'm a Chemistry nut, and really like their Chem texts, especially.



Edited by amsunshine
added some more questions.
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I don't know how their new science is in terms of light-and-easy days, but typically Sonlight does indeed have some days that are lighter than others and can be combined. We are using Science 5 this year, and some days have only a few read-aloud pages and maybe 2-3 questions to answer, so I've doubled here and there to move us a long. We also dropped the Wordprocessing book because we use other resources for that, and that's usually one day a week as Science 5 is now (they dropped that book in the 2009 edition).


I sat down and put sticky notes in my IG noting where I could combine so that I don't have to think about it (smile).


We haven't added anything to Science 5 this year. For their history/lit, I've added SOTW over the last four years, but we take Sonlight pretty much as written.

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typically Sonlight does indeed have some days that are lighter than others and can be combined. We are using Science 5 this year, and some days have only a few read-aloud pages and maybe 2-3 questions to answer, so I've doubled here and there to move us a long.


Thanks -- good to know this is do-able!



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