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Can you all suggest a good program for beginnig narration?


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I have never really done narration with my ds (4th grade). Today, as part of an LLATL assignment (Purple Book) he had to narrate a story told in the novel. He did not do well at all. He forgot important parts, and it was very disjointed.


I'm looking for a narration program that is only narration. No grammar or anything else added in. Help!


TIA! Nan

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Hi Nan,


I don't personally know of a book that covers narration only per se, but I'll share what I think would be the best resources that cover narration in them.


First, SWB's Writing With Ease. This would give the why's and how's as well as help place your ds. I use this with one ds below a traditional grade level and it has done wonders. The hard-cover text would be a good place to start and you could skip the copywork portions and move at a faster clip if you so desired. Imho, it's the easiest to apply resource available.


The other would be Karen Andreola's A Charlotte Mason Companion. She has devoted three full chapters to narration. It's really more of why and how, but does offer some practical help. You may be able to find this at your local library and I've seen used copies here and at homeschoolclassifieds.com .


There is also some help at Ambleside Online and here.



Edited by angela&4boys
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