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How does this sound for 8th?

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I *think* I may have finally made up my mind!


*SL 100 with tests from Hewitt

*Apologia Physical Science

*Analytical Grammar season 3

*Jensen's Vocabulary

*Apples Daily Spelling 2

*LLATL Gold American Lit. (he is an avid reader and will probably read the SL readers "just for fun" and use LLATL for lit study)

*Writing: I am still undecided. I will probably get IEW and use it with the assignments in SL and LLATL. I'm not sure what to do as this is a struggle for us. He is working through Jump In! right now. Suggestions?

*finish Chalkdust Pre-Algebra (I ordered it last night, thanks to all the discount posts!-He'll work on it all summer), then start CD Algebra I, probably around Nov. or Dec.

*Henle Latin

*Art of Arguement

*either French or Spanish

*How to be a Super Star Student

*golf, drama club, Key Club

Wow, this looks like a lot, but it is pretty consitent with what he is doing now, aside from How to be... and LLATL.

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To qualify, I also have an 8th grader next year. She will not be doing any grammar as that is a strong subject for her and doesn't really need "practice" doing more. I will also be doing Apologia Physical Science. I use a different vocab program, spelling and lit program but still have that in my program for next year. I use the IEW SWI and the SWICC DVD's and love them. My girls have done this program for many years, some years with the DVD's and some years without. I have found that the years I do without the DVD (which lays out the assignments for them to do), I'm not consistent in following through on their writing assignments. As far as foreign language, I have a question for you? Have you used Henle Latin before? I'm searching for a latin program. They've done Latina Christiana but now I'm searching for something that will carry my two daughters for High School Level Latin. I also saw you were going to do another language with your son. I went to a homeschool HighSchool conference and the speaker, Lee Binz, said she regretted doing Latin and French at the same time. Hope this helps some....

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Hi Lisa,

Did the speaker say why she regretted doing Latin and French at the same time? Was it doing two languages or the Latin/French combo that was the problem? He has been doing Latin and Spanish together for two years, though not real formally.

We have not done Henle yet. My son did Latin for Children A in 6th grade, and for 7th he did Lively Latin. I mainly plan on Henle because I am hoping my dh will agree to let him take it online through Memoria Press. My brain is having enough trouble trying to remember Pre Algebra and learning how to study literature...I don't think I'm up for learning Latin, too.


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