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Length of Time for Co-op Classes


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If you attend a co-op, how long do the classes last based on age? By this I mean each day, at a time. Are the classes 45 minutes, 1 hour, or longer? A friend of mine and I are probably starting one next year. We are looking at having classes for PK-1st, 2nd-5th, and 6th-8th. We're not sure if the younger kids should have shorter classes or not. We're trying to secure space right now and just started looking for parents to teach so I don't know the subjects yet.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated, along with any other things to do or not do!

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Our classes are an hour long. Except for our Keepers/Contenders/Little Keepers, those are two hours to allow plenty of time for the projects we are doing. Our classes this year are Geography, Science Lab, Government, P.E., and Art for the littles.

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Our days have 55 minute class periods on the hour from 9-12, at 12, classes range from 55 min to 1:25, depending on the subject. (The cooking class has the longer slot, for instance, since they can't get a lot done in only an hour.)


We've only had one teacher insist that she have shorter classes for her preschoolers, but I never did figure out *why*. Of all the classes that could have lent themselves to entertaining small ones for an hour, hers should have. I think maybe it was *her* attention span that waned. We've not had problems with other music and art classes for little ones being an hour. (I can't think of much else that we offer for kids under about 6 -- I think there's also a Spanish class for small ones...)

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We are currently offering IEW/writng, medieval history 1100-1600 and European/African geography, which all run about an hour in length. The teachers preparing sometimes have a little more and sometimes a little less than an hour so we just all adjust accordingly. These are middle/high school students and we do typically have a 5 minute restroom break in between classes- as opposed to use the restroom when you wish. Our facililty layout dictates this way better.


Our class size this semester is 14 which is nice. Last semester we had 20 and needed seating arrangements for this age group as they can get out of hand. We forbid electronics in the classroom at all. No Ipod or cells or handheld games. Also new this semester is that a student needs to take all the classes in the morning -no a la cart is allowed it is all or nothing. Our classes are prepared to feed off each other and we sometimes start at different times based on need so being tyed down to geo starts at 11:20 did not work. Public speaking in the afternnon anyone can come. this made for a smaller class and we like it better.


As an example, we did geography tests first thing one morning so as they could be graded and kids put into different groups when the geo class started. You simply do not have that flexibility with kids coming and going. :)


The morning classes start (well we meet) at 9:00am. We set-up what tables and chairs we need and begin around 9:15 and end around 12:15-12:30 and break for lunch. Public speaking starts at 1:00 and goes until 3:00 and includes right down to age 7. So that class grows to about 25 kids. Then we clean up and leave by 3:30 the latest.


Hope this helps,


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We're in a rather large co-op, but I think that this can still apply.


Starting in first grade the classes are 55 minutes. (Co-op runs from 10am-2:30pm w/ 1/2 hr lunch). The preschoolers & Ks stay in the same room. They ahve a key teacher who is w/ them all morning (she also has helpers that may stay or rotate). The 3s, 4s, and Ks do have 20 minutes each of gym, music and sign language. This seems to work well for everyone.



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Our co-op is large, about 70 families. Classes are 55 minutes each. The exception being the youngest organized classes - k to 1 - have classes that last 30 minutes each, with the teacher rotating. Example - first hour...

Kinders have Bible Time for 30 minutes, while First Grade has Music. Then they switch teachers, and K has Music while First has Bible Time.

It makes their classes a bit challenging because they are short (especially things like art) but we would rather them stay busy and occupied than really run out of steam for an hour class.

We meet for four class hours on Friday mornings, but begin with a 25 minute assembly.

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We have a small co-op and our classes vary in length. Preschoolers are in class for a total of 1 hour and 45 minutes. This includes a snack and various activities.


For the older bunch, classes are typically 45 minutes in length. This is an enrichment co-op, so classes aren't all academic (crafts, science lab, etc.). It has been working out wonderfully!


I think you really need to know what classes you will be offering and what you plan on covering, however, in order to determine the length of the class.


Liz in NC

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