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Grrrr!!! Major rant inside

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So the appraiser came today to inspect the van before it gets sent in. He is fairly certain it is a write off. That flipping psycho did so much damage that the windows will cost more than the van is worth to replace. So I will be stranded for good with the kids unable to do basic things like gracery shopping, all their extra curriculars will have to be cancelled, therapist appts etc are long gone. In the part of town I live there is very little bus service, we have 1 bus that comes through once and hour until 6 pm then stops. IT is an isolated area in the city. Taxi's to everything cost an arm and a leg because we are not on a direct route anywhere, just getting down town takes 30 minutes, to the southside where their shrink is an hour, to their ped on the west end it is 45-60 minutes. This is insane. Aside fromthe fact that he brought fear into my family, to destroy the one and only true asset I owned, something that I can not replace even if I was working f/t has shut down everything that made life with 4 kids manageable, and made dealing with their disabilities possible.


THere better be a flipping arrest soon because if not I am going to hunt that *&)#^&%)%& down and show him what I can do with a baseball bat. I am so livid right now. I am past the fear part for the moment and into the anger. To shut our lives down like that over a freaking splash with a puddle. What ever payout the insurance gives me will not be enough for another van, no way. I might get some crappy little beater car to cram all 4 kids into but that will be a whole other hassle.


The appraiser said he is going to see if he can find used windows from salvage yards that will make it possible to replace all the windows without it being a write off but he is not hopeful. Here I thought things were finally going to get better, and then it is like getting the rug pulled out from under you again.


Okay rant over, I am on my way to the police station to complete another witness statement about the license plate, by the time the rental car for me went through the local station was closed for the night so it didn't get done yesterday. Hopefully he will be arrested and I can get some restitution in addition to pressing criminal charges. This is just insane!

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