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What would be along the lines of BJU Reading for 5th + but

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Have you looked at the Calvert website? They use secular books.


I know that when we used Calvert, we had to buy the complete grade level package, but perhaps things have changed. If not, you could probably pick up the recommended books elsewhere, and hopefully find some teacher's manuals for them, too. (I don't think the books would be too useful without the TM, as Calvert uses "regular" textbooks, and most of the teaching hints are in the TMs.)


We've used BJU for the past few years, and if you're not using the DVD program, you could probably work around quite a bit of the Christian stuff. I would have preferred a secular curriculum when we started BJU, but Calvert was a little too "mom-intensive" for me at the time, and the BJU DVDs were just what we needed. I was concerned that it might be "too Christian," if that makes any sense, and I thought BJU's beliefs might differ from our own, but I haven't found many problems with it. Yes, there's talk of God and Jesus, but (in the early grades, at least,) the material seems to be presented more along the lines of being a good, honest, and decent person, and doing the right thing. There's definitely a religious aspect, but it hasn't been as all-consuming as I'd thought it might be.


Another option would be to choose a bunch of good books for your child's reading level and get some study guides for them from a teaching supply store. It really depends on whether you prefer textbooks and workbooks, or want to be more creative about it. We've done it both ways, and have been happy with both approaches.




PS. What textbooks are used by your local school district? I know that, in some places, homeschoolers may borrow books from the school system. They don't do that sort of thing in our area, but I've known people who have gotten lots of their curriculum in that way.

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