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An update on my crazy life

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I'm not sure if you remember me. I haven't been on this board since September as I was taking a small board break. But now that the year is slowing down a bit, I'm discovering a more time on my hands to come back and visit. Primarily, however, I'm here to ask for prayers.


In December we were surprised to discover that we're expecting Baby #7. This was completely unexpected since we were taking necessary steps to NOT have another baby. Still we knew that God had planned this for a reason, never anticipating what that reason could be.


Fastforward 2 weeks to my first OB appointment and what does my doctor discover...a lump in my breast. Tests reveal stage 2 cancer that has moved to my lymphnodes. So, apparently this unexpected bundle of joy lead me to receive medical treatment that revealed the cancer which I may not have otherwise discovered until it was too late.


I have since had surgery to remove the tumor and infected lymphnodes and am now awaiting chemo which will begin next week. For those of you who are curious, there's actually a website http://www.pregnantwithcancer.org that discusses treatment options and survival stories for women dealing with cancer during pregnancy.


I will continue on a typical path of chemo followed by radiation, taking a small break in between to have the baby.


In the meantime, I would covet your prayers for me and my family during this time. I can't even begin to recount the ways God has shown himself faithful to us during this trying time. If you are at all interested in reading about it, you can visit my blog at http://justabout-us.blogspot.com.


It's funny, I started this blog to document homeschool life, but during the presidential campaign, my blogs became more political in nature. Now it's totally morphed into a regular update of my fight against cancer. Funny how God redirects our paths.

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Boy, I didn't realize how much I missed these boards until I sat down today and started reading some threads. Six months ago, when I chose to take a break, I thought that maybe I had gleaned everything there was to glean from five years on the board. But after today, I realize there's still so much more to learn, keep up with, and be encouraged by. You ladies (and men) are inspiring. I think I'll be visiting here more often as a means to feel normal in my otherwise out-of-control life. It's good to be back.

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A very similar thing happened to my cousin. She was 42 with 2 high school sons, went to the OB for breast pain, found out she was pregnant (hence the painful breasts) and discovered at that appointment that she had cervical cancer. I'm not sure of her treatments but she delivered a perfect little girl. My cousin is cancer free now, 5 years later. That little one saved her life.


I'll be praying for you and your baby.


p.s. This is the first time I've posted since the format of the boards changed, but I felt compelled to let you know my cousins story.

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:grouphug: and prayers!


I have to tell you that your Sun, March 19th blog entry was so encouraging to me this morning. I have been going thru a personal struggle & those verses were just what I needed to hear. Thankyou for sharing.


Congratulations on your newest little life as well!

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