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I don't want to be a pack rat BUT...

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I'm not a pack rat either. We're still in the board book stage with our 3 yo. But, before she was born, I went through the books and got the baby books down to two small baskets. I am going to keep them! They just bring back such happy memories. And, my mom kept a bunch of books from my childhood and I love going home with my kids and reading them!


We also pared down our other books. ALL of our books now fit on two bookshelves. I'm NOT buying more books. We'll use the library from now on!

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I'm that way with books and baby clothes--not all of them, but the special ones, y'know? The trick for me is to pare them down to a reasonable amt, and then ask myself if I'm truly hoarding--if so, I know it will go better for me to bless someone else with what I have. Letting go is hard, particularly with the last child!

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Not so much board books (they don't last long around here!) but after that stupid CPSIA law, I'm making sure I keep anything that we might want to hand down ... no telling if it will be around when the kids are grown. Of course books go OOP all the time anyway so there never are guarantees.


I do hand down a lot of stuff, but the really good ones ... they fill a room of our house.

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I keep virtually every book I've ever owned, and have rescued some of my siblings' books that were headed to the op shop. I don't have a real love of the board books though, so I'll only keep the ones given to the kids, not the ones I've picked up. They'll get stashed in dd's glory box or ds's "war chest."




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