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Went to the eye-doctor today

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Spent three hours there with two kids age 7 and a toddler. Two kids got eye-drops. Go out to my car. Find the driver's side window smashed in. Glass all over my seat. Scary, yes. Back into the office to call dh who is not pleased. He knows insurance won't pay and money is more than tight right now. Back out, clear off all the darn glass. Drive home.


Turns out some person used a device to cut open my window before smashing it all in. Got off with our 2+ year old GPS. Unbelievable. At least it wasn't a hate-crime, but in the moment it was sort of scary and unnerving.

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Spent three hours there with two kids age 7 and a toddler. Two kids got eye-drops. Go out to my car. Find the driver's side window smashed in. Glass all over my seat. Scary, yes. Back into the office to call dh who is not pleased. He knows insurance won't pay and money is more than tight right now. Back out, clear off all the darn glass. Drive home.


Turns out some person used a device to cut open my window before smashing it all in. Got off with our 2+ year old GPS. Unbelievable. At least it wasn't a hate-crime, but in the moment it was sort of scary and unnerving.



That's awful. How come your insurance won't pay? Did you make a police report?

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How awful!


I hope you reported it to the police and to your insurance company.


Your dh says the insurance company won't pay, but it's still worth a try. Do you have a high deductible?


Whatever your deductible, I'd still report it, because the cost of replacing the window and the replacement value of the stolen property might add up to enough money to entitle you to some sort of reimbursement.


And definitely contact the police -- there's always a chance that they'll catch the person the next time he (or she) commits another crime, and you might get your property back. If nothing else, the report of a crime might make the police step up their patrols a bit, and you might save someone else from walking out to their car and finding the window smashed.


It appears that lots of cars are broken into for their GPS, and it's now recommended that you either carry it with you when you leave your vehicle, or hide it before you get out of the car.


I'm sorry this happened to you, but thankfully, the thief was gone before you got back to the car, and no one was hurt.



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Gee all, thanks for listening to my gripe. I feel pretty well, violated. At first I thought it was a targeted attack, quite frankly, but when I got home my smart family realised it was the GPS that had been the goal.


Yes, dh just assumed insurance wouldn't pay and I did not report a thing to the police even though this was my first impulse. The place is a very rough town, but I was in a parking lot with tons of other nice cars as well (we got a newer Sequoia). I was running late and did not think about hiding the GPS as we used to do (plus it is now an odler model).


Perhaps I should call the police there tomorrow or do you have to go in in person to report it? I doubt I'd do that. Plus I don't even know that we have an insurance that'd cover the GPS-theft. Not sure what I even know!!


I am thankful we are all fine. Apparently the door got scratched as well, but I am home, safe with my kids. Dh is worried about the thief having our addy on the GPS, though.


Thanks for listening.

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So sorry to hear about all this, and you must have been so worried about your children's eyes! Wishing you all the best.


Actually some amazing news from today's visit was that ds 15 months is not considered far-sighted anymore, as diagnosed at the ripe old age of a few weeks old (due to a few issues with his eyes that got me worried as twins 7 both have wandering eyes and are farsighted as well). So, there!! He is just fine.

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