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Funny of the day

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Okay my kids have been great at making me laugh today but one thing stands out that I had to share, keep in mind it is only 10am so I have a lot of day to go for more quips from them. I told my kids that we were going to start lessons in 5 minutes as soon as I was done changing the baby.


DD9 pipes up "We can't do school mom, we are making puzzles"

So I said well you can keep making them when you are done your lessons

to which she replied "But we are not done firing up our frontal part of the brain"


Obviously the little blurbs on brain age have sunk in lol They are still doing puzzles, I couldn't argue with her when she was so clever to think of that.

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Obviously the little blurbs on brain age have sunk in lol They are still doing puzzles, I couldn't argue with her when she was so clever to think of that.


Love it!


I'm a sucker for that kind of reasoning & witty remark too. My ds is very good at them & makes full use of my weakness for them. ;) LOL.

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