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sorry. another flu question

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DD (13) was confirmed positive for Influenza A today. This morning I started getting a mild sore throat, fatigue, headache and achy legs. Tonight my throat and head are about the same but I am extremely tired and my legs and back are very sore. I don't have a fever and only have very mild congestion.


If I feel the same way tomorrow morning do you think I should go get checked for the flu. My dd had a high temp (103) and cough but I don't have either. On the other hand, if I have the flu the pediatrician said that I need to get the anti viral by tomorrow night.


The other problem is that I would have to leave sick dd (13) and her 11 year old brother home by themselves while I go to the doctor. I'm not normally worried about leaving them alone but I hate to have them home by themselves when my dd is so sick. I'm also worried about side effects from the medication she is on. Tonight her head is really hurting her (could be the flu or the medication). Today I had to leave the house to go to the pharmacy and pick something up for my oldest at school but my oldest was home sick too. I think that she will be able to go to school tomorrow though so it will just be ds and dd. The doctor's office is about 20 minutes away

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Personally, I would just call the doctor and describe your symptoms, reminding him or her that there is already a confirmed case of the flu in your home. I would explain that you're unable to get in to the office because your kids are too sick to leave at home by themselves, and then I'd ask if the doctor would be kind enough to call in the Tamiflu (or whatever prescription) to your local pharmacy for you to pick up as soon as possible.


Our doctor does this sort of thing, so maybe yours will, too, if you call and ask. It can't hurt to try, and I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving your kids at home alone, either -- who knows how long you'd be stuck at the doctor's office?


Good luck -- and I hope you feel better soon! :grouphug:



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I'd ask them to call it in too. Usually if one family member is positive they are pretty accommodating with scripts for the rest of the family. Unfortunately though, Tamiflu isn't working as well on this year's strains. :( I'd discuss the risks vs benefits with the nurse before deciding if that's the course of action you'd like to take.

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My dd is on Tamiflu and Amantadine because of this reason. I'm worried about side effects for her. So far she has developed a headache and diarrhea. On the other hand, I know that influenza can be dangerous too so the fact that the anti virals will lesson the effects is a good thing. We're also going on vacation in a week so I'm hoping that we will all be well.


It stinks because I was actually going to stop going to my current doctor but I doubt a new doctor would give me the anti viral without seeing me.

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