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I have a current 4th and 2nd graders. What are the chances that I'll be able to progress smoothly through the logic and rhetoric levels of WWE? Then, cap off our history studies by reading through the 4 volumes of SWB's History of the World series with extra materials From Peace Hill Press for tests etc.?


Does wishing hard make it so?? :)

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I have the perfect solution, Susan.

Have another baby. You'll be sleep deprived for about three years, and when you're sitting up nursing all night you can write. How about that? ;) I don't have advice about the brain part. You might need to hire someone for that. :tongue_smilie:

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Oh, I wish. That would take not only laundry help and an in-house cook but also a couple of extra brains and the ability to go without sleep for, oh, three years. :tongue_smilie:




Sleep is over-rated, Susan!! And, why don't you throw a good logic stage history in there while you're at it!


I hope you are having a WONDERFUL trip with your hubby!!

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