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S/O from WT thread: WWE 2 - Am I doing it right? Doing enough?

Annabel Lee

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The WT/WTM writing recommendations/WWE discussion has made me nervous as to whether I'm "doing it right", WWE 2 that is. It's supposed to take the place of all the copywork, narration, and dictation that WTM says to do for history, science, etc., right? We use the WWE 2 workbook, but I own & have read the text as well. That's all we do for writing skills instruction. Physical writing for all other things like penmanship/math/etc. is not what I'm referring to, to clarify.


I still ask comprehension questions from the SOTW AG and then ask for an oral summary, but I write it down for both of my sons. Sometimes I have them do some copywork in history - bits of relevant info not included in the SOTW chapter (thank you Jessica/Trivium Academy!). I've been floating along thinking WWE takes care of all necessary writing skill instruction and that we don't need to bother with doing those things in other subjects. Eeek. Have I got it wrong?


Am I supposed to be stretching those WWE skills across other subjects in addition to the WWE workbook? My son using WWE 2 is in 2nd gr.


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Seeing that your little one is in 2nd grade, what you're doing sounds good.


My dd will be in 2nd grade next year doing WWE 2 (she's doing WWE 1 this year). I'm planning to have her start doing WWE 1 narrations on her own for history and lit next year, so that she starts writing some things on her own. What I mean is, I plan to have her write at least one sentence on anything that was important to her from what she's read. I will sit there and give her any help she needs. I just want her to start practicing writing on her own, but I'm not planning to make her write a complete summary on her own. I will write the rest of her narration in history and lit if she wants to write more.

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I am excited to get the new edition of TWTM because I think it will answer this question.


But the way I read TWTM for the grammar stage, it looks like the kids should be doing more than just one writing session per day (and I read this as not including penmanship, writing a notebook page for science, etc.). In the current editon, it talks about doing FLL (which has copywork and dictation) AND writing for history, plus narrating their independent reading and starting to have them write some of that in second grade (doesn't it? or am I reading it wrong?).

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I am excited to get the new edition of TWTM because I think it will answer this question.


But the way I read TWTM for the grammar stage, it looks like the kids should be doing more than just one writing session per day (and I read this as not including penmanship, writing a notebook page for science, etc.). In the current editon, it talks about doing FLL (which has copywork and dictation) AND writing for history, plus narrating their independent reading and starting to have them write some of that in second grade (doesn't it? or am I reading it wrong?).


I knew I should have ordered the new edition for the extra bits of info like this! He does FLL 2 as well, and he does all the written work. I don't have the current TWTM edition, so I am curious to know if WWE is recommended in addition to the ind. reading & history writing?


OhElizabeth, that means alot to me coming from you! :)


Arcara, that's a good idea to help ease the transition. The oral history summaries I ask my 2nd grader for are after a set of questions from the SOTW AG which help sum up the main points. Then I ask him to tell me something in just a few sentences. I didn't mean to make it sound like I'm having him do something pages upon pages long. :tongue_smilie: If only, right?

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