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Baking, Cooking, HS-ing: How do you do it all?

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I'm still new to hs. And now I'm adding baking/cooking from scratch. But with hs and time to play and have with my boys -- I don't know how you do it.


Sometimes when I'm baking, I think, gee, I could be playing go fish or something with them. Is this really a good use of my time?


How do you manage to fit it all in? Any tips?



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Well, why don't you stick to only a couple of items to make from scratch consistently until you have them down to a science so that it doesn't take so long? Really, once you are used to it the time spent isn't all that bad. Then when you get to that point with a couple of recipes add another.

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I'm still new to hs. And now I'm adding baking/cooking from scratch. But with hs and time to play and have with my boys -- I don't know how you do it.


Sometimes when I'm baking, I think, gee, I could be playing go fish or something with them. Is this really a good use of my time?


How do you manage to fit it all in? Any tips?




For me..no, it wouldn't be. I don't enjoy baking/ cooking from scratch. I'd much rather be outside. We all eat quick stuff and then spend our time outside, hiking, riding, farm work, playing with the goat kids. (They're so cute!:D) Nothing done in the kitchen is ever worth my time out on the farm with the girls and DH. Half the time, I don't even wash the dishes if it's still day light out! I would never try to bake my own bread ( maybe if I had a bread machine! do they work?) or make everything from scratch. I'm one of those people who loves convenience and am willing to pay for it or do without! But...that's my priority. Everyone is different.

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Everybody is different. You have to find your own balance of those three to be content. For years, I beat myself up because I didn't make bread from scratch, cook every meal at home, homeschool with a joyful spirit and have a neat home. Well, I had to realize the path I chose doesn't allow for all that to happen. It was too stressful for me so I realized what was the most important for my family and myself and fit the pegs into that model.


Ask yourself, where do you want to be in 5, 10, 15 years and how are you going to get there. I believe it is doable but it must be a driving force in your life. Making everything homemade is healthier and ideal, but you probably can make wise choices and buy premade. In the long run, you probably won't shorten anyone's life dramatically. Who knows but God anyway?


In other words, let yourself off the hook. Don't compare. That is a sure fire way to find yourself miserable!! The funny thing is, when I let myself "not" do certain things, I felt freedom and now I bake my own bread. LOL. Life is funny. I recently read that the days go by slowly but the years zoom by. Enjoy your time with your dc and decide to just be you. Everyone else is already taken anyway. Ha.

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I have a few recipes I do well, like a pp said to do.


I use a mixer for bread (and I have exactly 2 recipes I use - ever LOL) - I can pop the ingredients in half-asleep b/c the recipe is just memorized. I bake 1 or 2 days per week, and mix up bread, cookies, and any other quick breads or what-not at the same time so I spend an hour at it and then I'm done for the week (and only have to wash the bowl/measuring spoons once).


I don't cook everything from scratch! I buy bags of frozen veggies all cut and ready to stir fry (Why waste precious time cutting veggies????) Once every week or two, I will boil a couple chickens and make my own broth and save the meat for casseroles and such. So I just really prioritize what best benefits my family and makes the best use of out time and $. Frozen veggies are still high quality (and inexpensive) while processed broth and chicken meat are full of stuff I don't want my family eating. Chopping veggies is a chore I dread, while boiling a chicken can be done while I'm baking;)


That said: I keep convienience foods on hand b/c there are days when I'd rather give the kids an extra 30 min playing outside, reading a good book, or just being lazy - and leftovers are the best convienience foods!


btw - my kids are eating pizza for lunch today - not homemade, Lil' Ceasars - mmmmmm...:tongue_smilie:

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Crockpot. :) Seriously, that thing has saved my sanity so many times.


Yep. :iagree:


Crockpot, Bread Machine, Rice Cooker. With delay timers, so you can set them to be finished at the same time.


We pop the ingredients into the bread machine before we go to bed, and set it to be done in the morning. Works great!! And saves time.


The crockpot can be used to cook a huge variety of things... doesn't have to be stew every night. ;)


I've started baking muffins and/or cookies on the weekends.


ETA: I agree about the frozen chopped veggies. I get bags of mixed organic veggies from Trader Joes when I don't have a garden producing. When I DO have a garden producing, then I either chop by hand OR (if I have large quantities to chop) I will set up the attachment on the Kitchen Aid and process a bunch at the same time. I love love love my kitchen appliances that do all the work for me!


Here is an easy crock pot dinner:

1 bag mixed frozen chopped veggies (no need to thaw, just dump it in there)

Chopped chicken goes on top (however much you need for your family)

Sauce goes on top of that (I use various Trader Joe's simmer sauces, that come in glass jars)

Take the empty sauce jar and fill it 1/4-1/2 full of water, swish it around, and add that


Cook on low 6-8 hours.


Set your rice cooker to be done at the same time.


That's it! The only drawback is smelling it cook all day... makes me hungry!

Edited by Mekanamom
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