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Help! Oak Meadow Yahoo Forum


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I registered for the Oak Meadow Yahoo forum (OM_HS) several days ago, but my membership is still listed as "pending," so I can't view any of the messages or participate in any of the discussions. I know the group is active, because it appears that close to 150 messages have been posted this month, and the numbers increase every time I check the group to see if I have been approved yet.


If anyone here is a member of the group, can you tell me how long it took for your membership to be approved? When I signed up, I said we were considering OM for next year, but since then, I ordered the Fifth Grade curriculum, and can't wait to get started. (Oak Meadow ships FAST -- the books I ordered are here already!)


Sorry to post about this here, but I don't know how to contact the Yahoo forum owner, and I don't know what else I can do.



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If I remember correctly, the owner of the site's internet connection or whole computer is down. She has to use another computer (maybe the library?) to approve new members. I think she tries to get online once or twice a week. I know she is currently looking for a co-moderator to help with this problem.


I believe Oak Meadow has their own chat site as well. It is new, I think it is called Live Oak. It can be accessed through the Oak Meadow website.

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Thank you, Melissa and Nan -- I'm relieved to know that I'm not the only one who has experienced a delay. I was getting a bit worried that maybe Yahoo Groups messed up my application or something!


I just signed up for the Live Oak group at the Oak Meadow site and was already approved. The email I received said it may take up to 48 hours for my membership to be activated, so I'll try logging in every now and then over the next few days to see when I can get into the forums.


Thanks again -- it sounds like the OM Yahoo group owner really has her hands full. I know some people get annoyed when there's any kind of delay, but I always try to remember that these group owners are doing all of the work out of the kindness of their hearts and not getting paid for any of it! Maybe I'll get lucky and won't have to wait too long for my membership to be approved, though, because every time I check on the group to see if I'm in yet, I see that new messages have been posted and I wish I could read them! (Ok, so maybe I'm a little nosy... ;) )



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How do you register for Live Oak? I see login areas, but nothing for new registration. :-/



Ahhhhh....tried in a different browser and new registration info is there. Doesn't show up on safari though?!

Edited by clane
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I joined recently, and so far, it's very slow over there, so I hope more people join soon. I still haven't heard anything from the OM Yahoo group, and I'm so disappointed about it, as I really wanted to participate. We're just getting started with OM, and since it's not that popular on most of the homeschooling forums, I was looking forward to finding a nice, busy group. I hope I hear something soon!


Anyway, here's the info on the Live Oak group. I emailed my info to them, and was accepted within a few hours, but it took a day or two before I was able to log in to the group. Here are the instructions, copied from the Live Oak website:


To create your new Live Oak account, send an email to liveoak@oakmeadow.com with the following information:


Full name


Email address

A brief note on why you would like to join Live Oak

Oak Meadow will send to you, via email, your Live Oak account confirmation. Thank you for joining our community.



Hope to see you there soon!



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How do you register for Live Oak? I see login areas, but nothing for new registration. :-/



Ahhhhh....tried in a different browser and new registration info is there. Doesn't show up on safari though?!


That's odd -- it showed up on my Safari! Computers... go figure... ;)

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