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PLEASE >>>PLEASE>>>PLEASE tell me how you use homeschool tracker???


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I need to get going on this. I have had the darn thing for 3 years and all I have on it is attendance because I love the cute pink button...

BUT SERIOUSLY!!! I have to get going on the input of data and i feel totally overwhelmed by everything these days...


How do YOU use HST. Please be specific...I need HST for big ol' dummies.




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I'm not much help since I haven't done mine either, but, I can tell you that everyone I know that uses it and loves it uses the HST Plus version, not the basic one. Maybe there really is that big of a difference? All the data input just seems like a sponge on my time, I can jot things down the old fashioned way in a notebook as we go along throughout the day much easier.

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This is the first year I'm using HST. I wish I knew more, but I don't feel qualified to offer step by step instructions!


I did find step by step instructions on their website, though. There are videos here, and a discussion group here. The videos are listed under the Plus edition. I'm not sure which one you are using, but I bet some of the procedures are the same.


For me it was like using a dayplanner or calendar to keep track of things -- I had to train myself to get in the habit of using it. I'm glad I did, though, because my kids like having a daily list of things to do and check off and it's a good way to keep track of assignments/courses for my older kids.


Good luck!



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I looked at it about a year ago and didn't like the basic version at all. In January I decided to look more closely at the plus version and decided to buy it. I am so glad that I did! It did take me a while to figure it all out and set everything up. I spent a good two weeks working on getting all of our information put into it. The thing that helps me the most is to have lesson plans set up. You can either make your own or download them from the HST Yahoo group. I did a combination of the two. Once you have all of your lesson plans in there all you have to do is submit those lessons to the day you want them assigned. There is really so much to the program that you need to just take time to learn how it works. Once everything is set up it is a breeze!


There are tutorial videos that were very helpful to me in getting started. There is also a forum that helped me somewhat. If you have any specific questions please let me know.

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Could you be more specific - are you wondering how it works or how it effects my planning...?


I use HST+ and I do love it.

Here is a brief idea of how I have used it/use it:




  • Each week I submit the assignments that I want us to complete from the lesson plans, I use the lesson plan schedules and that really helps me to make sure I'm hitting all the bases.
  • Weekly, I assign our catechism memorization. This is so helpful because I inputted everything at the beginning of the year and now it pretty much takes care of itself.
  • Wrote 2 curriculum from scratch because there was nothing out there for just what I needed in those subject areas. Their features made this possible because the program helped me to really be orderly in my thought processes and it arranged the repeating patterns for me.


Why does it help me versus just a list in a spiral? -



  • I don't want to have to think about the mundane e.g. Do MUS page 12 (or even just "Do MUS"), but I do want it assigned and in front of my face.
  • I want my more different lesson plans to be plotted out so that I no longer have to think about the planning, but rather just getting the supplies, etc together.
  • My courses are progressing at different speeds but it doesn't matter because I assign them weekly (no rescheduling the whole year) and I can see, very visually, what still must be done for the rest of the year.



Hope I can help.

Edited by WyoSylvia
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Do you have the Plus version or the basic version? If you have the Plus version I can help. I have used HST for about six years now. I used the Basic for about 2 years and the Plus for about 4. I am no expert, but I do use it every day.


Also, it would help to know what curriculum you are using. There are yahoo groups for HST subject areas. Users upload their lesson plans to the group, and you can download them to HST.



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Could you be more specific - are you wondering how it works or how it effects my planning...?


I use HST+ and I do love it.

Here is a brief idea of how I have used it/use it:




  • Each week I submit the assignments that I want us to complete from the lesson plans, I use the lesson plan schedules and that really helps me to make sure I'm hitting all the bases.

  • Weekly, I assign our catechism memorization. This is so helpful because I inputted everything at the beginning of the year and now it pretty much takes care of itself.

  • Wrote 2 curriculum from scratch because there was nothing out there for just what I needed in those subject areas. Their features made this possible because the program helped me to really be orderly in my thought processes and it arranged the repeating patterns for me.


Why does it help me versus just a list in a spiral? -



  • I don't want to have to think about the mundane e.g. Do MUS page 12 (or even just "Do MUS"), but I do want it assigned and in front of my face.

  • I want my more different lesson plans to be plotted out so that I no longer have to think about the planning, but rather just getting the supplies, etc together.

  • My courses are progressing at different speeds but it doesn't matter because I assign them weekly (no rescheduling the whole year) and I can see, very visually, what still must be done for the rest of the year.



Hope I can help.


Thanks...this does help a bit knowing I don't HAVE to plan out the entire year at once...especially since I'll probably only be planning out our last quarter for this year.


I do have the plus edition...


Does anyone map out their WTM years??


Do you input copies of lesson plans like : Lesson 1, lesson 2...etc and then fill in the particulars weekly...like for math??


I am thinking if I spend some time on the weekend, I can input my teacher manual info into the teacher note section...(See my post on "what I wish.")


For instance I can set up Latin lessons 1 A, 1 B... and then add in ...recite amo conj. drill vocab...recite the Pater Noster...



Does anyone use it this way??




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I totally ignore that it exists on my computer and plan of a sheet from the donnayoung site. I hate data entry!!!! I did mess around with using the lesson plans but it is really complicated and I use a Mac so I am use to things actually working logically and seamlessly...... oh sorry, pen to paper - that is how I use HST.


Welp, that is basicall how I have used it for the last 3 or 4 years...now I would like to try....:lol:

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Honestly, we have never gotten as much done as we have this year. It has kept us on track and focused. The only time we have fallen behind is when I didn't use it for a few weeks last fall. Lesson learned!


I have lesson plans for each individual subject. So, R&S 5 has one. Math CLE 5 has one. Tapestry of Grace has one lesson plan. I use the group and sequence field to group by week. etc.


I submit one week's worth of lesson plans at a time. When I print out daily assignment sheets, it includes everything for that day, plus any things that has been missed in previous days.


I use the yahoo groups to get lesson plans for non-copyrighted materials to save me inputting time. They may not be set up exactly as I want, but it's better than starting from scratch.


The discussion forums at the HST site are excellent. I have gotten a lot of help there. They have "how to" videos that really help. The best way to learn is to just dive in and do it.

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with yourself b/c there is a big learning curve, but all I can say is it is WELL WORTH IT. It is one of the best purchases I have made in our yrs of homeschooling. It is incredible.


Just take the time you need to learn when you can. I gave myself the summer when I first purchased HS+, which was perfect b/c I was beginning a new year and able to input everything to get started in the fall.

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I would suggest starting with something simple that you can make an easy lesson plan out of such as a sequential math program or anything that has Lesson 1, Lesson 2, Lesson 3, etc.


First you need to create a lesson plan name in the maintenance section of Tracker. Then you will actually create the lesson plan in the teacher section.


Do you have anything like that you can start with?



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I am trying with my BJU math 2 book. I put in a sequential plan and then I wrote in specifics for this weeks lessons. ...NOW I am trying to figure out how to assign it to my child...

I guess I am just playing with this right now...to figure out how to use it for next year. I would like to create my own manual for the year....that anyone can use to open and go .....I work from home and I am thinking of hiring a substitute teacher (aka a teenage homechooler :-) who will help me out when business is busy.)...


So how do I move those lessons over....hmmmmm....


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Here is how.


Go to the teacher tab.


Then go to the lesson plan tab.


Select the plan name that you want.


If you want to move just one at a time, right click on the lesson you want to move, you will get a pop up.


Move your mouse to the bottom of the list, click were it says "Submit to assinment grid".


A window will pop up. You can select the date, student, etc. that you want to submit this assignement for. Once you have clicked everything, select preview.


When the "confirm Lesson assignment window pops up, click submit.


See if that makes sense. Ask if you get stuck.



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As far as learning how to do it I would second all the previous posters' ideas, combined. This is how I did it:



  • watched the videos - they taught me a lot but from them I didn't have a picture of how it all would piece together so...
  • then I joined the hstlessons yahoo groups, (You sign up for all the different groups that you are interested in and then it takes about a day to get approved.) and downloaded a lesson plan and imported it into a dummy database. Just examining it made what I'd learned in those videos start to make sense.
  • I dove in and started writing an LP and practiced, again in the dummy database, submitting assignments.


Also, definitely get on their discussion group. I signed up for the digest and have learned much from other poster's questions and answers.

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Thanks for everyones replies...I am digging in...getting messy and I think my eyeballs are going to fall out...BUT, I am getting the hang of this...I think.

:001 _huh:


I am sure to have questions so I joined the discussion forum...but I just like being here so much!


Anyway, I hope to input my WTM Cycle 4 using SOTW etc. for my little wingnuts for next year...

So, maybe, if I get good with this I can share...as long as it doesn't break any copyrights or anything....


Thanks again!!!!!


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